d'you talk to'm? what'd you say? no, what did you say on the machine? i know you left him a message. what did you say! jesus hugo! how is it that you can turn a simple conversation into a fucking hedge maze!? this is zero degree of difficulty man! then why are you still looking at me like i'm asking for the square root of something! what did you say!? look at that, we didn't have to fill up the whole blackboard after all. now, do you know anything about that? look at the collar on that coat. what's that look like, that stain? cinnamon roll? no, good guess though. no, hugo that looks like jizz. and i'm no forensic expert mind you, but that looks like some fuckhead shot their load on a twelve-thousand dollar calf's skin jacket. the twist? it's my twelve thousand dollar, calf's skin jacket. so y'got semen, human ejaculate-- --that's been allowed to soak in for what, six, seven hours now? work it's way into the fabric-fuck'n fibers-- and while you may never see it in a tide commercial, i think it still safely qualifies as a "tough, deep down stain." to what? incinerate? 'cuz i'm almost dead certain there's not a fucking laundry detergent or dry cleaning process known to man that can ever return that jacket to its former glory! some shit, suffice it to say, just don't wash out. now, the money question. to whom does that stain belong? c'mon, somebody was banging one of these skanks, sans rubber-- -which is terrifying in its own right- pulled out, let 'er rip and ruined the last gift my mother gave me before she died. the way i see it, it's the same as if she was dug up, three months dead and it was shot right on her rotting corpse, 'cuz that's how it defiled this feels! i was kinda hoping, yeah. only if you really, truly mean it. are you a fucking colossal idiot? without peer? no. be sure. be resolute. you stand alone on that summit. get the phone, it might be gill, then get out of my sight. no. the cards can stay there. get the goddamn phone. fifty-fucking grand! don't tell me to "calm down" ivy! i hate that! hugo grab that! i just paged gill! fifty grand gouge. south shore hayseeds, this is why i never play tahoe, or redneck reno. alright, bag it, i'm not shelling out that kinda bread for this shithole, this is a junior suite in vegas. call mecklen right now, he should have his cell on, i need an update. get the russian up here, have him clean this place, floor to ceiling and get us packed . . and send out for some new skeeze, the sun's up, these ones are starting to stink. are you on a land line? just checking. what's up? what's wrong with your voice? about what? i'm not doing cocaine. that's not possible. i told you. won't work, we're just gonna have to chance it man. i'm sorry. --fine, fuck, i got it. lake tahoe, nevada. i'll have hugo book your flight, you can be here in a couple hours. he'll meet you at the airport. be cool, be cool, be cool. c'mon. just this last little bit, then we're done, just this tiny bit and that's it, that's it, all of it, over-- how the mighty have fallen. that's right! right now! they're gonna give on this in the next ten seconds or the deal's off! bullshit it is. i said, about as loud as i could say it, "no jail time for my guys." --and you're gonna feel altogether fucked, by me, if you don't handle this. i'm the one, does the face plant, this falls apart, not you. i don't have to do shit! which includes cooperating any further with these motherfuckers until i get what i want! alright, fuck it, if we gotta hand 'em somebody from our end and they're being hard-ons about it-- make it hugo, him i don't mind. he needs that regimented thing that prison provides-- --this isn't a swap meet morrey, they're getting sparazza and the west coast syndicate, giftwrapped, now if that's not good enough-- alright. do it. i sent hugo, he should be there! no, wait there. he'll be there. ivy! why isn't hugo at the airport!? it's a fifteen minute trip! well what the fuck!? i got the doc in town, i need him here! call hugo, find out where the car is! they're getting close. it's down to a handful of deal points now. --i dunno the way it's gonna play out, but-- yeah, it'll probably go something like that. what are you tryin' to say? that's probably him now. a set of skills, god-given gifts, i close my eyes. king of clubs. you pick up this deck, s'just playing cards, i pick up this deck it's a living, breathing thing. what do you see right now? you see exactly and only, what i choose to show you. that's illusion ivy. that's the lie i tell your eyes. the manipulation of movement. knowing where your gaze wants to go, guiding it there. making the magic happen in that moment, that split- second, but seeing behind it, knowing it's all bullshit. built on sand. i can show the feds what they want to see too. and make it as real as this room. make it more than smoke, more than mirrors. and that's why i'm valuable. and that's why you're not. i never wanted it this way. that's mecklen. the deal's closing. i can pick that phone up and i can work this out. you'll walk with me. in here! ivy's trying to kill me! get in here goddammit! what? jesus christ. you just murdered beanie. hey! get him out-- muscle him if you have to. take him down the quietly, use the service exit. then get back up here and we'll handle the rest of this. what? is there somebody else in there? avert your eyes gents, y'didn't see that. okay vitoli, listen these last few minutes make you a material witness, do you understand what that means? you do know what that means! tremendous, that's the attitude. alright, vitoli, hang tight for half a tic, we've got a special sort of "clean-up" we gotta do here, alright? what's he doing, is he getting this? good. now move. fucking things falling asleep. vitoli, just sit tight for a second, i gotta make a phone call, figure this out. they what? what? no. no. why? doc-- y-- wha-- what is this? forgive me.