okay sweetie, now i'm a registered nurse and this was my bath not a half hour ago, so it ain't as hot as it could be, but we're gonna get you all toasty warm in no time-- warren, warren-- go on an' get grandma her hot blanket and her heating bag, the one in there under the sink in my bathroom. okay shug. grandma needs you to go in-- oh, you little foxy, trying to fool your nana! you heard me didn't you!? now boogie, grandma needs her big helper boy now, go on an' get those things and grandma'll rub your feet! you little angel-butt! grandma'll rub those feet forever! oh you silly-sil! never mind, grandma'll get it! so them fellas were your friends then? the ones that was shot and tossed into the lake? were they police officers too? them was left over from my hysterectomy, so they're a few years old, might be outta date. you sure you don't want me to call an ambulance honey? i think it's crazy you not going in. y'got what looks like hypothermia and real bad frostbite. they could wind up amputatin' if y'don't get it treated. warren! now you go and practice your nunchucks now, leave us be for a bit shug. m'sorry about that boy, his momma abandoned him going on a year now, his daddy, my boy dale-- gulf war vet, s'over in the reno-washoe correctional facility-- got some "clarity" issues. he did some home invasion sodomy-torture type stuff, wrote a buncha bad checks, got hisself consecutive life terms-- shipped off to soledad there in california. --reminds me, i got that care package i need to send off-- anyhoo, m'husband bill took the coward's route, n'committed suicide by hangin' 'bout nine months back. ever since then, little boogie there's been the man'a the house! and we make a darn cute couple i think! i don't think that's been opened since my husband died.