zoom and pan please. stay tight. i thought heller was a double op? so he's personally issued the contract on israel? a marked man gets wise and wants to come in. so the wiretaps we conducted on serna and padiche, the mention of israel's heart? like who? you think it's possible he could be involved in the israel hit? then we lose our witness. it's the last place they'd look. anything on the swede? maybe he's that good. never been caught, no criminal record. i tell you, engineering this kind of play against sparazza, going to the lengths these guys are going to. they're playing some long odds. well. this is as good a place for it as any i guess. no rest for the wicked. why were we never shown these files? we're sitting on sparazza for what? six months now and we're just seeing this? did you know that he's has had thirty- six major medical procedures performed on him since 1953? elective plastic surgery, every single one-- --look at this, look at the work he's had done; nose, three times, eyes, eyelids, chin, jaw-- he's had his jaw done a dozen times. you take every hasbeen actor in hollywood they haven't been cut this much. unreal, this guys jacket too. wall- to-wall major felony offenses, murder, extortion, arson, grand larceny-- --a paternity suit. i just feel like we're playing catch-up with all this and we shouldn't be. based on what we had, i thought sparazza was a mid-level player at best and it turns out he's this mob relic, running the show out west. but the bureau knew sparazza killed heller. why not go after him, guns blazing' for that one? yeah, but the untouchables took down capone. heller got shot and killed. the bad guys beat him. worse, sparazza walked. so he has no idea what's about to happen? what about the hotel staff obstructing us. israel's obviously paid off the management. he's giving them up? did the justice lawyers sign off? what about the sheriff's task force? double homicide, gunshot vics, both of 'em dumped in the lake. that's where the sheriff's task force is. deputy, have you made any id's? dep-- deputy, i'm going to put you on speaker, i have agent carruthers in the car with me. you need to hear this. what kind of uniforms? alright, deputy, we'll be there as soon as possible, until we arrive, i need you to limit physical access and restrict movement to and from the crime scene. clear? yeah. have you been able to get through to the nomad's security? you going up to the penthouse alone? no, no clarify. what is "an emergency requisition of surrounding personnel?" within one-hundred mile radius, understood-- sacramento, reno, carson city. so in less than an hour, we're going to have anywhere from forty to fifty odd field agents arriving, without the slightest inkling as to why they're here. is that correct? am i misinterpreting that or-- no, i'm not blaming any one person, this is bureau directive. but agent carruthers is the sac and he's out of cell range at the moment, so i can't contact him to-- very well. i need to get deputy director locke on the phone as soon as possible. who's this? what are these? then we've got a third man missing. what car? --where's it at now? i want you to locate agent carruthers now. the guests that aren't able to leave need to be confined to their suites. and under no circumstances are they to venture out, for any reason. have the staff make calls to that effect. this him? --agent carruthers. do you know where is he now? wait a minute, what other agent? what other agent? did he give you his name? --run both those names through the d.c. database. call san francisco, see if they've got anybody in the field doing collateral inquiries for-- who? this man wearing the jacket identified himself as an federal agent? you're sure? and when you saw him later, he was wearing one of your security jackets-- and that didn't seem odd to you? we may have a man posing as one of us. get a tactical team assembled. we need to get to the penthouse level immediately. do it. --stop the elevator! two man cover formation, far end, the elevator is open, possible aggression inside, watch for fire-- this is the fbi! throw your weapon out! show me your hands! lady, show me your hands right now! how bad? no. secure this suspect! f.b.i. you're under arrest! put her down, get up against that wall! deputy director locke? this is him? the hitman hired to kill israel? he's a doctor? what the hell-- what is this!? people died. agent carruthers is dead! your friends were taken to carson city memorial, they're going to be autopsied and shipped back for burial. who owned this car? where are they now? where's that? home. you're injured. let me drive. where's israel? my debrief-- --no, we need to handle it now. you're going to tell me why no call was made to inform us that the israel situation had been "altered." why i-- and my friend and partner, whose body is going into a furnace tomorrow, were not sufficiently apprised of bureau movement on this matter. --you can and you will. and you just figured that out? the swede isn't a hitman, is he? he's a surgeon. sparazza didn't want israel's heart for a trophy, he wanted it for a transplant. why? a paternity suit, filed 1967. does he know? so the wiretaps of padiche and serna-- so all of our intel was bogus to begin with. when did you know all this? --what? what do you mean "who sparazza actually was" almost. what do you mean "who sparazza actually was" you realize that sparraza has had thirty-six major medical procedures performed on him since 1953? elective plastic surgery, every single one-- yeah, fifty-three. holy shit. that's heller. isn't it? so you made another deal? but you did, and have. and now people are dead. did sparazza become more valuable than israel. and did you make another deal? you're trying to save sparazza? so you knew all this and yet y-- while carruthers and a dozen others lie dying, you debate semantics. the bureau's betrayed us. the way they betrayed him. no, of course you don't. of course you don't. . i gave all my belief and the better part of my soul to this bureau. . look at the monsters you've made. i won't be one of them. no. it's not. (tossing messner his