yeah. sid? nah, nuthin' on my end-- i'm here. --he's doing it then, huh-- --okay, g'head-- no question, no, you're right. we gotta do what's good for us now. y'gotta, y'gotta. but d'ya think they'll kick ransom for that little prick, assuming we get to'm. jesus. what for? wow. yeah, there's a pair'a broads i'm thinking might be good for this. that's not a problem. are we goin' outta pocket ourselves? well just so i got a quote in my head. what's the rate for the swede? shoot. no shit. girls, wonderful, here, sit. okay, so. you're here, really nice isn't it? brisk weather, but nice. coffee? anything? i didn't want to order for you. fabulous. i'm fine sweetheart, thanks. okay, so. welcome to the south shore! so, just jumpin' right in, just in terms of this thing, our thing. i spoke to lorenzo this morning, he says y'got somethin' more or less put together, plan'a attack and me and my associate mr. serna, who i can put on the phone hear, we'd love t'hear it. we ain't askin' ya t'take us through, soup t'nuts or 'nuthin' like that, i jus' like t'hear the broad strokes, y'know, so we can get an idea-- wha'? "pushy?" --uh. oh. uh-huh, yeah-- pussy? fabulous. yeah. sid? nah, nuthin' on my end-- good. this thing's on track, looks like it's gonna get done. cold blood sid, dead eyes, y'know? lil' cagey, y'know, don't like t'share trade secrets, that type'a thing. how are we on time? well, uh-- damn, alright, so he's headed in, does that-- where does that leave us? so we gotta get t'israel pretty quick for this to fly, yeah? i think? --no, no, not when y'can see the shore. i hear ya. i'm working on it. it's gettin' done sid. uh oh.