no, i'm sorry, the penthouse is currently under construction. gary, let's get our personnel up in the catwalk over twelve, that stickman has been acting odd and i don't like the rolls that table has been getting. and everybody, all the time. yeah, it's a chore. that's correct. well, we were worried about dust and debris from the work being done ruining the cameras, so-- yes, but no-- we have personnel stationed at both ends of that hall, twenty-four hours a day. right now? a six man security force, plus a member of our butler staff. so seven men total. uh-- well, yes, uh just in terms of the men up there now, my team, he's serving lunch and dinner and just doing general upkeep so-- no. none at present. no, no, no. we've been looking to renovate that area of our hotel for some time now. the security team is only present to preserve floor integrity, due to the roof access. of course. yes. i'm sorry, but i'm going to need to see your identification again. we're covering some sensitive material here and i need to safeguard myself, i'm sure you can understand. --i hold the sole pass key and personally relieve the shifts myself. now if i could get your id we can-- is. that. blood? am i really dying?