buzzy. buzz? you got clicks, anything? --okay. hang on, i gotta move-- alright, now buzzy-- this is, this is it, here, okay, so listen to me careful and wait till i'm finished 'cuz we got no room for slop. okay, he's gonna clip israel, i just gotta outta there-- --yeah, now lemme finish, i was eavesdroppin', so give me sec, lay this thing out, since the information might be a little loose-- so what i heard downstairs there is that they got a guy, some swede, real badass, supposedly a "specialist" and they're bringing him over. now he ain't coming cheap-- so, i'm thinkin' we jump, do this in the next day or so, get to israel before the swede can, we got chits, y'see? we're in a power position. grab him, ransom him back, pick up that nut, we're that much closer to having our own thing. trust me, we keep our mouths shut, go about our thing, play the part, nobody suspects us. the old man's on the fade buzzy, fuck him, y'know? and that hurts, i don't like saying that, but hey, our livelihood, our lifeboat, y'get? fuckin' a, first survive, yes? yeah, y'ain't heard the punchline, yet and before i get to it, one more thing i heard, little curious, should probably bring it up. primo wants israel's heart. the actual thing, the organ. --who can say. he's off his onion, y'know, he's old school sicilian, this is how they hate. hey, we nab israel, they pay t'get'm back, i'll cut the fuckin' thing out m'self, no extra charge. my thing is, we crew up, let's not fuck around, someone's cousin, some zip off the boat from naples, let's get pros, people who know how to behave. chances are, they're gonna get into some shit too, hafta put people down. yeah, i can front this. that's the punchline, y'ready? a million flat. none whatsoever. --so, i'm thinkin' we jump, do this in the next day or so, get to israel before the swede can-- buzzy. buzz? right, you got clicks, anything? so how we lookin'? fuckin' thrilled t'hear it. so the scout, the sitdown, y'musta felt it from 'em then huh? that's what we're countin' on. what'd they say when you went for specifics? okay-- yeah, i can, i respect that. well, i'm hearin' the swede's been dispatched, he's flying so-- --in a foot race right now. really a matter of who out hustles who, y'know. basically-- it'd really be the best thing right now, yeah. can't give up the ship now buzzy-- okay, well, y'know, then we just gotta get israel. bag this fucker buzzy. --some swede, real badass, supposedly a "specialist"