calm down. look at the attention we're getting. it's all bad. we got these tricks going in and out, we're partying like the shit might go stale, what did you think was gonna happen? we're hot, and they're losing a whole floor's worth of business saying it's "under construction." beanie! so we're all traveling together, getting sworn, giving our statements-- you believe in loyalty, don'tcha? 'specially the kind of loyalty where an otherwise sensible motherfucker puts his own best interests aside to selflessly serve another. 'cuz outside a goddamn dog, that kinda loyalty, my kinda shit, don't get any more dedicated, or deep, or devout. what did you say to mecklen? see, this is one'a them rare moments when y'ass get a chance to be completely honest. and if i'm asking you what you said to mecklen, assume the shit is rhetorical. so assume i already know. oh you ain't done a damn thing can't be undone playa. the dye ain't even close t'cast. y'wanna make some shit real? no stage, no and lemme say this one time. if you think old man primo could twist your shit up. it ain't nothin' compared to what i 'bout to do here. believe that. y'ain't never had to wash another man's blood off, dig it out y'fingernails. y'had us for that. y'ain't ever made a real beef on y'own, shit as light in the ass as you are, i'll bet you ain't ever made anything more than a fuck'n fist your whole life. so if you think i'mma let your lil' punk-ass, with the dirt i've done for you, in the eleventh hour, sell me off like some fucking field nigger, hand me up to the feds like y'last chip, then you done gone straight out-your-motherfucking mind! all that slight a'hand you can do and you still ain't never learned to lie right-- motherfuck! motherfucker! fuck you! this woman's been shot, i need to get her medical attention immediately! what's your name baby girl. georgia on my mind wit'yo fine ass. you know you saved this black man. --never in a million girl-- no doubt. that's my moms there, taught me them skills. my mamma? c'mon shorty, y'gotta ask? you hurtin' pretty bad? it's going around ain't it? mafuckas catching bullets like the common cold up in this bitch. i think i accidentally shot and killed my boy today. for real? true? that takes some of the sting out. i feel like i know you girl. i feel like i've known you forever. you gonna lemme see your scars? what were you doin' here anyway?