how real? bulllllshit. and so i get this straight, we gotta go in, bust on this punk and remove the heart? is that for real? what else did padiche say? what's the name again? we gotta lay something out, strategy- wise. somethin' tight. y'go in there ad-libbing, it's y'ass. what's the time frame? pussy. and we like that he likes. correct. no, we're not together. i'm gonna need a mini-bar key too. that's a bad move. 'cuz we don't need to draw any more shit down on our heads. we hit whoever's between us and israel. i don't want to dead the whole floor and i don't want to be killing women no matter how they make a living. better? what are you hearin' right now? a fed? like fbi? when them tricks hit the lobby, holla at me and i'm gonna meet them on the way up, blend in. once i get inside, i'mma put m'nina to israel's head and back out hot. anybody's fucks with that program, y'break 'em off. they get gully-- jus' remember, this is more rescuin' shit than rampagin' shit. what are you shootin'? you got the fifty up? bitch y'tryin' t'take down a jumbo jet? blown the moon out the sky? t'fuck you wanna get that grimy? damn, this kevlar ridin' up on me, i wish they made this more sheer. i ain't tryin' to break a sweat for that sorry ass nigga. you know i burned all his shit. all that vinyl. chalamar, funkadelic, i burned his turntables too. they was like three-thousand brand new. girl, lemme ask you somethin' and i want you t'tell me straight up, since i got my suspicions and y'know i ain't one t'talk circles. you gay? ain't nuthin' wrong wit' it. --i don't know, i feel like you always pushin' up on me, gettin' close and i love you baby, in every way you can love a bitch, 'cept that one. fuck you. i'm on my way out, i'm just gonna hang in the hallway until they start up in the elevators. i'm going down. faggot-ass redneck. not you. some assholes on the elevator. are these bitches on a permanent smoke break or what? why the fuck they call'm "working girls." girl, you hear that!? no, but that definitely sounds like shots and i don't where it's comin' from-- --i thought we had secure frequency. aww girl, tell me this mafucka ain't goin' off right now. what's wrong? it ain't dead! quit saying that shit! i'm not givin' it up jus' yet. oh. damn. shhhhhhit. girl, there's these two dudes, just sittin' here in this elevator, all shot up. they musta been beefin' big time with one another, cuz this shit, got way past words, whatever it was. right now? . dying. wait a minute. this one's a fed. girl one of these fools has an fbi badge on him! is this the one that was doing the inspection? you jus' lay still, we goin figure out what the fuck ya'll were up t-- you ain't gonna believe this shit. both these motherfuckers are feds. what i got i- a gerald d--go and a donald carruthers here. now w--ch one of --'ll --s for real? 'cuz i'mma kill the one that ain't. shar. fourteen, i'm pinched-- i need some heavy shit, fire-from- heaven. my count. bring it. are these feds fake or for real girl! jus' keep doin' y'damage girl, keep these mafuckas off my as-- we're out girl! i'm shot! i'm shot!-- i need my hands motherfucker! i'm hit! kill me or let me be! girl, i'm inside, i'm on my way up-- this elevator is going to the penthouse-- can you hear me--? baby, can you hear me-- drop that hammer. and i drop this one. know a killer motherfucker. know they voice. know they feel. and know you 'bout to die by one. georgia. you know i did baby. and a deep, dark one at that. now if you ain't a dog, which you don't look like-- --good, then all you got to be is grateful. you love her? got hit twice. well, if it's any comfort, i's goin' in to there to act a fool baby. straight rockin' heat and slayin' niggas-- mmm-hmm. and your boy very well mighta been one of 'em. like a mafucka. i probably woulda busted on you too . and what a shame that woulda been. you do the right thing. sit with me while i heal, let it develop slow. 'spose to kill this fool named buddy israel. damn baby girl, you makin' a nigga fall hard now. don't play out this string, 'cuz it's real short i didn't do your man downstairs. i found him that way. now whether or not you believe that ain't the least bit important. we either goin' work this out and live, or stay doin' the shit we been doin' and die. now i got no beef with you, or wit ya'll bureau. so you better off jus' movin' on & lettin' us be.