so me and sis here, 'cuz we got a rep on a rise, we chipped some nails on some niggas, they want us to drop this mafiaoso so and so, magician, whatever-the fuck he is. three hours t'the east. s'day trip. pretty this time a'year too. what are we talkin' on the split. no, we're cool. pussy. pussy. israel likes pussy. we're already here baby. we sat down with padiche, he tried to get some details which we wasn't gonna give up, but it's all good. we goin' check sis in first, 'fore i check in across the street. c'mon baby, don't be shy. just one bed please. although if we sweat that one up, we goin' need some clean sheets. c'mon girl, you know i'm playing! if ya'll let hoochie like that stay up in here, ya'll must be burning sheets by the ton. you just goin' grin? y'ain't goin comment on that, at all? trampy ass skeezers, doin' damage they ain't even smart enough to see. that don't gall you at all? bitches like those are the same ones runnin' feminism right to the brink girl. bitches like that the reason mafuckas don't take our species seriously. we jus' meat for male consumption, we jus' pieces a'ass and pussy, somethin' pretty in lipstick and eye liner can suck cock. bitches like that make me weep for what could be-- if we could all, sisters everywhere, black, white, yellow and brown, put our shit down one time, unified front, the force of the female race, mobilized, moving as one. why? wait, i'm getting some fucked up feedback off that earpiece-- much. nuthin', we cool. there was somethin' about a fed being in the building. it's just a little casino inspection, don't trip, he's alone. alright, let's set this spinnin'. i'mma grip and rip girl. i got some handloads here ready to cut heads. girl, y'know i had to bring big mamma through. the try t'wild out on my boo and it's on and crackin'! i'm layin' niggas out. mmmm. i tell you, i snuggle up with big girl here and my pussy start t'drip. so you heard from keith? he still fuckin' with that 'lil light-skinned girl? he a dog babydoll. he a great dane. i tried to tell y'after ya'll first date. he hit that ass one time, his interest in a bitch start t'landslide. fuck that nigga. let him go woof on some other scrub. we got one another, s'all the love we're ever goin' need. what!? damn! why you trippin' like that? i ain't even goin' dignify that. you my road dog. we threw up sets. plus you stank. alright girl, the ho train has arrived. four of 'em. just get in there and do your thing baby. mamma gots you. what'd you say? alright, the ho train is exiting the station. they're coming to you. are you anywhere near the penthouse? --it's your ifb, somebody else has got an earpiece, you're picking up their signal-- oh, fuck these fools. security's locking down the elevators. forget it, it's dead. girl, i just saw muzzle flashes comin' out that suite. s'probably where you heard that shootin' earlier, somebody jus' downed israel. he dead, our play is dead. c'mon, i say we bounce now, kick it for a lil' bit, play some craps. . maybe spend the night? what is it? what? what are they doin' right now? what? hold up, hold up, i'm getting shots over the scanners, tons of traffic-- jus' chill for a sec, lemme listen. no, no, no no-- one of 'em ain't-- one of 'ems bullshit-- it's all over the air here, they got an impostor, some fool with a fake badge-- --some fool wi-- a fake badge. so w- tch yours--f. bet. i don't know! sit tight if you can hear me girl! i can't do shit for you from here. i'm moving down for a sightline! girl, where are you-- talk to me. how bad are you hit. georgia goddamn baby, please talk to me, please say somethin' so-- motherfuckers!! m'sorry baby! i'm so sorry! i loved you so much! i loved you baby.