heavy is good. heavy is reliable. if it doesn't work you can hit him with it. tommy practices a couple of gun slinging maneuvers. he's impressed. at that moment the door opens and in walks a man carrying two heavy sacks of coins. he's a rough looking bastard, he's massive, and extremely ugly. meet gorgeous i ' l l toss the coin. he tosses the coin i' l l see what i can do. yes i understand. the weight is a sign of reliability. i always go for reliability. boris is showing franky a large pistol. nothing. pause i want you to do something for me . franky nods for him to go on . there is a fight in a couple of days: unlicensed boxing. the camera tracks into franky: he has a problem and it's been exposed. there is a bookies i know that will take bets. if you place one down for me we will call it quits. well there isn't too many bookies that take those kind of bets, and i already have an outstanding debt with the house. i know something most don't. why don't you put a few pounds down yourself? uzbekistan. i have a job for you. i want you to hold up a bookies. hear me out. this one is different. what are you doing with him? so why didn't you chop it off? sol looks horrified by the thought. what? there's ten grand. what was in the case was mine, what was in the bookies was yours, ok there wasn't much but, here's ten large to help the situation. you fuckin idiots. he couldn't know who i am. now open the case and give me.the stone. the black guys are left with their mouths open, everything just changed gear and they weren't expecting that. who's next? you have the ten grand now give me the stone. the pause continues. boris lets a shot off that tears worryingly close to sol's head. he's your problem now. you can keep the" ten grand along with the body, but if i see you again. well look at him. he points to franky. while he is saying this he bends down and picks up the case from the floor and wraps the severed arm in newspaper. he then walks out of the shop casual as you like.