two hundred and sixty pounds, that's fucking pedigree pal. he's talking to liam and gary, a couple of employees. he doesn't look bad does he? do you reckon that's what people should do for me, do you gary, do me proud? pull your tongue out of my arsehoie gary. dogs do that, and you're not a dog, are you gary? taken aback by the change in tone. however, you do have all of the characteristics of a dog gary, all except loyalty. there is a definite change in temperature. and people like dogs gary, for the principal reason that they're loyal. so i don't quite know where that leaves you my old son, other than refuckinpugnant. . . there is a problem which one was it that kept the four grand from the clapham job? pause don't let me ask again. i would like answers, but i am not in the mood for asking questions, get busy lads, or it's feeding time, oink, oink, know what i mean? liam takes a step to the side and moves his eyes in a sideways action implying the guilt lies with gary. gary catches this and opens his mouth to protest. one of brick tops's henchmen, errol, sticks a belt in there as quick as it opens and smashes a bar across gary's legs, he buckles. the henchman man pulls out a plastic bag and a roll of tape. you know what to do with that don't you liam? you're a ruthless cunt liam, i' l l give you that. brick top turns away at this point to admire his fighter. but i got no time for grasses. feed em to the pigs errol. with a short beat. he's looking good, bomber, is he not? how's their man getting on? we whip pan off brick top's boxing ring. look mean now you hairy fucker won't ya? he looks at the appalled faces of turkish and tommy. shits itself when you put it in the ring, but poke .it with a stick and watch his bollocks grow. you like a dog fight, turkish? gorgeous ready for tonight? you're going to have to repeat that. i said keep the noise down. . . a tangible silence between the men reflects brick top's authority. well, where did you lose him? he isn't a set of fuckin car keys is he? and it's not as though he is inconfuckinspicuous is it? you can bet your bollocks to a barn dance you're not backing out. oh fuck me your lady friend has got a voice. and who might you be changing him to, sweetheart? are you taking the piss? i'll show you a fuckin accident. no, i lose all bets at the bookies. you can't change fighters at the last minute, so no, i don't have my fight do i, you fuckin prat! put a lead on her turkish, before she gets bitten. pause make sure your man goes down in the fourth. you're on thin fuckin ice my pedigree chums and i'll be there if it breaks. as long as we keep them happy. brick top nods at jack and salt peter, they nod back. make sure they are kept sweet. the last thing i want is them fuckin moaning. no thank you turkish, i am sweet enough. don't be silly turkish, if i wanted you dead would i be talking?. . . carry on. you've provided me with a problem, which you gonna have to remedy. i gotta bare knuckle fight in a couple of days. i want to use the pikey. of course fuckin of course, i wasn't asking i was telling. but this time i do want him to go down in the fourth. and i do mean it this time. pause now i know you,came back. to. open your safe, so now you can open it. . there is nothing turkish can do. he's been a busy little bastard that turkish. it can get you into a lot of trouble thinking errol, i shouldn't do so much of it. pause as errol wants the ground to swallow him up. well that takes care of one little piggy, now find me the silly sods that blagged the bookies. find em today. like i said i wasn't giving you a choice. i am telling you that fuckin gypsy has got to fight. his what? .- . . are' you taking the piss again? you're on thin ice turkish, and i am going to be there when it breaks. he puts the phone down and inhales. anything for an easy life. that fuckin pikey being difficult. hello, we here? oh goodie gum drops. get us a cup of tea would you errol? hope it ' s not a bad moment. sol looks at vin, vin looks at lincoln: they are understandably surprised. brick top looks around the room the silence continues. brick top helps himself to the most comfortable seat. do you know who i am? good. that will save me some time then. what you gonna do with your man there? you're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. apparently the best thing to do is cut the corpse up into six pieces and pile it all together. after you got six pieces you gotta get rid of 'em, of course you can't just leave it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, can ya? pause while the black guys are still holding the body. the door opens and in walks errol. he passes brick top a cup of tea in a take away container. and then i hear the best thing to do is feed 'em to pigs. you gotta starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped up body looks like curry to a drunk. you gotta shave the heads of your victims and pull the teeth out, you could do that after of course, but you don't want to go sieving pig shit do you? ever seen the size of one of their molars? they go through bone like i t ' s butter. you gotta have a few pigs though you need about sixteen they will go through a body that weighs two hundred pounds in about eight minutes that means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute,. . . pause hence the expression greedy as a pig. pause golly that is big isn't it errol? he looks back at the brothers do you know what nemesis means? a righteous infliction of retribution by. an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a horrible cunt. me. brick top stands and opens the door. we can see that a coupl of ropes have been slung over the rafters and a couple of buckets are underneath them. six very large men are standing around wanting to get busy. - tyrone is with them, all trussed up. no spin him round, i want him sunny side up. what do you think errol? it was a rhetorical question errol, what have i told you about thinking? he turns back to the brothers. you got forty eight hours. he looks at lincoln. i am going to take your man here. pointing to tyrone. you can keep this silly wanker. in forty eight hours i'11 set the dogs on him and then the pigs on the remains. brick top nods at errol who looks extremely disappointed. quite a lump. alright you can go ' now . ' that's where errol's taking ya. i gotta say you have got some front coming round here tone, you know the lads are picking straws. . . interrupted that's what i love about you tone, no small talk. i can't sell you something i haven't got now can i? btt returns to them - there is a scream from ken what did you do to upset ken, tony? tony shrugs do shut up ken. that was a bit naughty tony. tony shrugs. brick top puts his hands in to his pocket and withdraws the stone. we cut to hand's expression. this will make up for it. micky's going down in the fourth. terry over there is in charge of the bets. now you'll have to forgive me. brick top leaves with ken. have we got the lads at the- camp site? where's that fuckin pikey? what's wrong with you? you stoned? is he fuckin stoned? now you know when you're going down? there's a campsite full of pikies that might not think you're so fuckin funny when they 'are putting the flames out on their children's backs. cut to a shot of brick top's boys lighting a cigarette in the car outside the pikies. right lets get outta here. brick top is looking every which way and trying to get out of there, accompanied by ken. where's the car ken? we are outta here. they come out of a side entrance, their car pulls round the corner and screeches to a halt. brick top opens the door as he is about to get in, he's eyes widen to the size of saucers as four men are sitting in the place of his driver. they both have sawed-off shotguns and empty four barrels into the chest of brick top and ken. the car spins away, leaving their twitching bodies on the dirt.