you can call me susan if it makes you happy. you don't, you should comb em some time. well then it depends on all the elements in the equation, how many , are there? where was he last seen? a bookies eh? susi, pass us the blower. susi reaches for the phone. a bookies got blagged last night. robbed. i gotta see a man who looks like he might know something, but it can't be done on the phone if you know what i mean. he turns to rose bud. no you don't, rose bud my old son, you need me. alright mullet? this job does have prospects after all, you travel to pretty places, meet interesting people. btt looks at who mullet is talking to, the man has a try hard mustache and interjects. someone whom you might shortly meet. only with wings and a halo. mullet gives the man a furtive kick and makes eyes to shut up. , clean the breakfast7off your top lip. and make yourself busy sunshine. the man moves off i want to know who blagged brick top's bookies. i will do you a favour mullet, i'll not bash the living fuck out of you in front of all your girlfriends here. if you play hard to get 'mullet you'll wish you'd never been caught. mullet looks uncomfor'table about the fact that he's thinking. j ' give us your wallet hands. hands makes eyes and digs into his back pocket and produces his wallet. btt takes out some notes and proffers them to mullet, mullet nervously reaches forward. as quick as you like btt has mullet by the collar and pulls mullet into the car. he then raises the electric window on mullet's throat until it has fastened mullet to the roof of the vehicle. comfortable mullet? , you can take as long as you like mullet. btt starts to pull away so mullet has to keep walking with him. i am driving down the street with your head stuck in my window. what do you think i am doing you penis? he does the window up a bit tighter. and grabs him by the nose. he pulls a face when he smells his breath. you been using dog shit tooth paste mullet? he speeds up even more. oh i love this track. yes mullet. tyrone conway? tyrone conway? it may be fuckin him, but wait and see what i can do to you. he puts his foot down and mullet loses his footing, and is dragged along. '. dear oh dear, you do know some horrible people. sneaky little shit one of the russian dissidents, killed more men than,. well he's-killed a lot of men. deals in arms, that he gets off some of the old school. we cut to the security monitor that observes the shop, it sits on doug's desk. the door opens and in walks boris. as bold as brass he walks up to the counter. he's a bit sneaky this fella, so watch out. he's all yours rose bud. what do you want me to do? your man there thought he could take him. i told you he was dangerous. you want him to be able to talk or not? you want to shoot him? well you want to stab him? you want to kill him or not? that's the spirit. there's a sword back there. he points to behind a seat: there is a bloody great sword concealed. tony skillfully passes the sword to rose budd, who attempts to pull it out of its scabbard. tony turns round to hands. you, you want a knife? he passes hands a knife. it's not a fuckin rocket launcher. it's a knife for gods sake, what have you used for to keep your fork company for all these years? it's got a sharp side and a blunt side. you want a lesson? there is a sudden bang on the windshield and btt turns back to the front only to see the windshield covered in milk. tony can't see where he is going and searches for the windshield wipers. while this is happening the car swerves to the side and hits a lamp post. they crash and the boot has flown open and boris the blade tries to lift himself out. rose bud looks down at the sword he has been extracting he can see he very nearly cut himself in two. tony pulls himself up from the steering wheel he has a trickle of blood running down his face. there's a crash and a car hits em from behind. we hit something and something hit us. he turns and sees that rose bud has got a sword sticking though him. it's gone through him and the seat that he is sitting on. you alright? i mean do you feel alright? hold tight big man, and put your guns away. let's get going. well you can bring him with you if you want but which bit do you want to bring? doug, we are in the shit, come and pick us up. excuse me, but who the fuck are you? do i look crippled? , you got ballsl there are two types of balls, there are big brave balls and there are little mincy faggot balls. i am talking for your benefit. now dicks have drive, and clarity of vision. tony starts to build himself a complicated looking weapon under the table, unseen by the black guys. he takes bits out of one sock and bits out of another sock. but they're not clever, they smell pussy, and they want a piece of the action, and the dimmer the dick, the less he cares about the consequences, and you thought you smelt gooood ol pussy, and have brought your little mincy faggot balls along for a gooood ol time, but you have got your parties muddled up, there is no pussy here, just a dose to make you wish you were born a woman. . . we cut to the shell shocked brothers, and the almost completely built weapon. and just like a prick, you are having second thoughts; you're shrinking, and your little balls are shrinking with you. they stare on. the brothers have lost this one and they know it. they start to reverse. btt lets the odd chicken cluck out the corner of his mouth, vinny misses his step and waves his gun about in a futile effort to look mean. they back away into the corridor down to the back door of the cf. . . ae well you gotta admire their balls. so brick top has now got the stone? never mind what i got , i am looking for brick top? you know who i mean you fucking fringe now find him. pause: the barman looks truculent. chop chop. i had a little run in with a few of the chaps. they're all brainless, they got white powdered angels sitting on their shoulders telling them what was what, all too busy. . . if they weren't sniffing the dust they where flicking the ash. and never trust who puts anything other than a finger up his nose. ken, another of brick top's men, appears from somewhere and approaches tony with another heavy, sean. yes i know i stabbed a man called lorrie, but no i didn't know he was related to a tub a shit. ken knows it's on. lock that fuckin door sean. btt takes a step forward and puts his hand, into the back of his trousers. he starts to growl. you're a big man, but i don't care if you're ten foot fuckin tall, you still got eight pints of blood and you'll bleed like any bastard. and . when.i drop .ya, and i will fuckin drop ya, i'll open you up like a packet of crisps. you're a bully ken, but remember, i am a bigger bully. you gotta diamond and it doesn't belong to you, it belongs to my colleague here. i said we should come round and raise fuckin hell, you know shoot a few of the boys and that, but he said he thinks we would have more success if we paid for it. so i am going to have a drink and let you two discuss what you have to discuss. btt walks to the bar. ken is sitting there with sean. alright big man, i hope you aren't bitter about your cousin lorrie. if you listen carefully, you will hear a slight zip of flies being undone. ohh yes you are going to get fucked vince. - veeeery nice lincoln. well where is it? it's a bit funky in here. btt opens a window. the dog looks extremely relieved to see someone. dear oh dear. what? i t ' s not a fuckin tin of baked beans, what do you mean open him up? that's a bit strong isn't it? but it's not, it's a dog and i have never done a dog. fuckin hell, alright then. i t ' s squeaking. yeah bollocks.