oink, oink. where do you keep the sugar? that's very good turkish. well aren't you going to answer it? turkish does. what's happening with the tea? that sounds like hostility, doesn't it john? i think you have let him get away with enough all ready gov. brick top looks round with some concern. excuse me mate, d'ya know mullet? the man looks a little 'further down the street. errol follow his eyes, squints and seems to focus on something. cheers pal. errol puts on the gas a little-, the car surges forward and slows at the feet of mullet - seedy looking character with big ears and a moody haircut, who smokes fat cheap cigars and wears his top shirt button fastened. very well mullet, i am sure he'll be flattered you inquired. don't stop with the foreplay. good boy mullet. get the governor john. john goes back to the car which is parked down the street. the window slides down. is this how you want him gov? shut it or i'll cut ya. . . follow me. they go out of one room into another, and errol shuts the door behind them. vin looks uncomfortable. another door is opened and a man brings out lincoln. lincoln is in bad shape and is relieved to see familiar faces, they are now shut in a room . do you know why the governor is the governor? i t 's because people are scared of him. you know why they are scared of him? it's because of stories. i am sure you've heard one or two of those stories. for example, did you hear about the three black fellas that did a very bad thing, however they made some effort to redeem that very bad thing, so the governor saw fit not to kill em. he thought it would be a more advantageous concept to let them kill each other and let the survivor live to tell the tale. that way everybody wins, well, all except the two that died of course. we look at the table where we see three large kitchen knives sitting provocatively. tyrone rushes for one of the blades grabs it and runs at vin, vin sidesteps and tyrone keeps running straight into the arms of errol who raises his gun at the last moment. tyrone slides the blade into errol 's ribs and errol fires a shot straight at tyrone. the bullet passes through tyrone and hits john in the throat . vin, lincoln and sol are left wondering what the fuck has just happened .