twenty carats? good man franky, you done a good job. what time you back? speak to my cousin doug. yeah, doug the head. but get some security. i mean it, get it today, speak to those russians, they can get you anything. and. . . no fuckin around in any casinos, you hear me? you've done a good job franky, don't go and fuck it up. he's got it. play the game doug. you gotta haggle fairly doug, otherwise it'll make your hair fall out you'll see. . he isn't selling poop. do shut up, where is he now? when? what do you mean a fight, you mean a boxing match? is there gambling involved? did he have a case with him? and he's gone gambling? that's franky "i have a problem with gambling" fuckin four fingers, you are talking about doug. franky is good at buying stones doug but he's a fuckin liability when it comes to gambling. that has cost me. so in turn rit' s cost him. he gets distracted and chopping off a digit seems to focus his attention. i ' l l not forgive you doug, i am coming over, get me that car. the phone is slammed down. -.! gotta say it's not bad. he then looks at the sign of the rundown venue, his eyes squint incredulously. caesar's palace? jesus are we ever going to get in there? i am not looking for vegas, doug, i am looking for franky four fingers. if there's gambling involved, he'll be here. they get nudged aside by an entourage of men coming through. hello, who's your man? hands points out brick top who is being crowded by minders. original. they, have only made forty this year. you could find the maker of this engine's signature on the engine. but you can't find me franky. who's he? susi interrupts. you really think he can find him? ok so let's get hold of him. he could swing from trees wearing rubber dresses as far as i am concerned, all as i care about is whether he can find franky. can i call you tony? about forty thousand. blagged? what about? he points to mullet. btt pulls an, 'oh yes i forgot about him1 face. he doesn't even look at mullet. he lowers the window, and mullet falls by the way, in god knows what condition. russian? the sneaky dogs. i been doing business with those sneaky dogs. russians, i didn't think it would be the russians. sneaky was a bit of a fuckin understatement wasn't it? how you doing rosey? we gotta get this stone first rosy and then we'll get you to a hospital. take it easy rosy, take it easy. he's a sneaky fucker that russian. well shall we go? i want to bury him. i t ' s a bit noisy isn't it? i wouldn't know what to do with it. what happened? no i am about a rocket ride from right tony. ohh yeah, i feel like i am lying on the naked lap of aphrodite, cooled by the tumbling petals of spring roses, how the fuck do you think i feel? what about rose bud? i gotta clean up. he goes out the back while btt goes to the pay phone to call doug. _ i don't want to admire balls that i want to chop off. you wouldn't be lying to us would you now? okay. what was it you did exactly tony? how ' s that ? well come on, let's have a look. brick top passes the stone to hands. all goes quiet while everybody focuses on the stone. hands lifts it up to his eye. what are you playing at? - he drops the stone: it smashes on the ground. it's a zirconia. we crash track in to brick top's expression of shock. very nice lincoln. you keep a good house lincoln. so where's this stone? where? tony. well let's have a look shall we? . . . . tn . oy all eyes focus on tony. have a vlook in the dog. i mean open him up. tony is not sure about this. i mean open him up. hands does a movement that represents a knife across the throat. you wouldn't have a problem if it was a person. my heart bleeds. there is another pause let me take a wild and reckless guess. stick a knife in his guts and see if it's got a diamond in there? i'll hold it still and'you open it up. tony looks positively unsure and rocks his head from side to side. well do it to you as well if it makes you feel any better. cut to tony having some problems trying to get hold of the awkward dog. the dog starts to squeak. tony passes the blade to hands. what, you've never heard a dog squeak before?. hold him still. the dog isn't sure about this either. vin is in a panic and suddenly. well let's see it. vinny holds it up. there's a sense of relief. he then throws the stone, it cuts through the air. and the dog seeing .another projectile runs to intercept it. there's a pause while all now focus again on the dog. this is digested literally and mentally. the dog recognizes all the attention it's receiving. and goes through the motions of swallowing it. hands attempts an approach. the dog understandably feels uncomfortable about the advancing vanguard and decides emergency action is needed, and seeing the open window launches itself out of it. well they aren't fuckin here now are they? and i can't see a dog can you? you gonna have to come up with something. just then they see some caravans in the distance. are you sure he's not here? do you mind if we have a look around? you better find me that dog, skinny vinny. so?