follow me. they do and end up in a corridor. the door .shuts behind them and the door in front hasn't yet opened. ken turns around and faces tony. did you know that it was my cousin lorrie you stabbed? there is a pause. the situation is volatile. shut that door sean. you know you're alright when they're are talking business, i ' d like to see you gob off outta here. you're a dead fuckin man. you listen to me tony you're a dead fuckin. brick top frowns at ken, and ken shuts up quickly. he's pissed in my fuckin pocket, look! ken shows off a wet-sided jacket and a damp set of trousers. yeah they are there. cut to a shot of some of brick top's heavies waiting in a car outside the campsite. hey fuck face, who's speaking to you? he asked him didn't he? i t ' s coming now.