that's a flash car mister. who you looking for? do you want me to go and get him? yeah. there is another pause. the five quid you are going to pay me. chuckling. two fifty. oh you're a tight fucker aren't ya? a man shouts from the background. he's a young fella with a hard but friendly face . he's covered in grease and facial hair, and his trousers are done up with string. but he's wearing a cartier watch and gucci shoes, and a large gold identity bracelet. this is micky o'neill. so aren't you gonna pay me? bollocks to you, you tight git. Yeah fuck ya. The kid turns away and goes back to squeezing a toy. All four of the chaps stop in their tracks. Cut to shot of squeaky toy. We have seen this toy before. Cut to freeze frame of Sol, Vin, BTT and Hands stopped dead in their .tracks. They haven't turned to look over their shoulders yet, but their eyes are turning to look.