it's a mosinite. no, a mosinite. no, a fuckin mosinite. it's the updated zirconia. zirconias are artificial diamonds, they look pretty good to the novice like you lincoln. but you could break them with a hammer, so they came up with mosinites. i am saying it's worth fuck all. lincoln's face drops what's that vince? i know full fucking well what it is vin. where did you get it? it better not be dangerous. yes, it fucking does vin. if it so much as farts it's out. boris, what's up? go on. how high do you want us to hold it? steady on george. we deal in jewellery boris, we don't hold up bookies. we can hear vinny in the background give him another of those biscuits. they shut him up. no vin, he can't tell the difference between a steering wheel and a man . on the moon. that' s why i got him. sol gives the dog another biscuit. i don't know vin. oi tyrone, vin wants to know why you talk like a black man? i don't know. you get that gun from boris? what's that? i t ' s a fuckin anti-aircraft gun vin. what are you planning on shooting, the angels out of the clouds? that's gonna raise more than pulses. i don't think i really want to see hell vin. what's wrong with a normal gun? can you get this fuckin dog to stop dribbling on me? vin pulls the dog back. i worry about you vin, jesus, talk about overkill. one look at a crack desperate brother and you could wave a knife and fork around, and i am sure they would lick the salt of your scrotum. the car wash starts. i am not happy about that dog vin, you can't bring a dog on a job. homesick, for fucks sake. ohh shut up, how can he find it? you're going soft vin? here pass me a sandwich. vin throws a sandwich to sol but the dog catches it whilst i t ' s in flight and swallows it in one gulp. jessssus, he didn't even chew it. the car has stopped. leave him alone, he's a natural. tyrone gets a little over-excited with the accelerator and reverses with a crashing sound into the rear of the van behin them . he can't swallow a whole ball. he'll probably cough it up. hope not. we are waiting for a man carrying a case. because the deal is that we give the russian the case and we keep the money. he rubs his fingers symbolically together fuckin 'ell tyrone you ask a lot of questions. you concentrate on the driving okay? he turns back just as a man is stepping into the bookies: he is carrying a case. shit, was that him? are you serious? i am sorry but i couldn't get the binoculars out in time. vi nce ? vince?? he spins round looking for his colleague. a muffled noise tells him to look up. , i have got your man out here. if you don't put down the screen i'll blow his fucking head off! you hear me? you think you can try me? drop the screen now! you just seen what it did to this wall so think what it could do to you. pauline knows she has lost this one and looks genuinely scared. how you doing vince? a weakened voice retorts. now fill this bag. . . ' . - . - i am not here to make a fuckin bet. are you fuckin stupid? i don't care if the fuckin bets are off. i want. i ain't buying that. well, what have you got? well i am not feeling too fucking funny myself, let me tell you! sol points at the man on the floor who is carrying the case. let me see your hands. the man holds his hands up. he has got a perfect set of five fingers on both hands. sol puts his head in his hands. pauline and the other clerk put two bags full of coins on the counter. sol picks them up and frowns, he's not happy with a bag full of change. he puts his gun down and starts to rifle through the bag. pauline can see vinny's pistol on the counter, dropped after his encounter with the screen. copper coins? what do you mean copper fuckin coins? pauline sees her opportunity and grabs the pistol. sol .goes for it too, but he's beaten to it. sol ducks, pulling vince with him, pauline lets out a series of shots in their direction, sol counter blasts over the top of the counter. the security screen comes flying back up. we're going vin. he grabs the bag of copper coins, grabs vince and marches towards the double'doors. they open the first set and then they try to open the second. they push the door nothing happens. there is no going back. sol starts to kick the glass door, but it doesn't budge. with panic rising swiftly, sol doesn't fuck around he takes aim with the handgun and fires, the bullet shatters the glass but it doesn't break through, and the bullet now ricochets off both glass doors shattering bullet-proof glass all around them. vinny's panic filled eyes attempt to follow its trajectory. sol is unaware of the ricochet and before vin has time to warn him, sol fires another bullet. now he observes the problem and waits for the inevitable. the bullet tears through the bag of coins, which then empties its contents at vin's and sol's feet. eventually the bullet hits poor vince in the thigh. sol sinks to the floor, he has given up. amongst the yells emanating from vince we can hear sol's pathetic and desperate whimpering. no security, eh? at that point tyrone appears and pushes the door open. the door was open the whole time - only sol was pushing it the tyrone get us outta here. tyrone takes an interest in the man from the van seeing that he's carrying a case and the case is connected to his wrist. i said, get us outta here tyrone! where ' s the russian? what do you need the tape off your eyes for? you talk out of them? come on. he opens it - and it's got about a grand inside. the case was attached to his body. the only man that knows the combination you just shot. boris appears little bothered by this and whips out a four foot machete that he was concealing about his person. he pulls the case towards him and brings the machete down with full force. we can tell by the expression on tyrone's face that it must have been some part of franky's anatomy. pointing to the ground: he got shot in the face lincoln, i would have thought that was obvious. sort it out. villains are supposed to know how to get rid of bodies. he's a man with a hole in his face lincoln. who cares who he is? what do you want to do that for? , he's not a fuckin christmas present. hold him by his legs. would someone mind telling me who you are? mr mclean i kid you not. why do you think we have a dead man, missing an arm in our office? give us four days and we'11 bring you a stone the size of a home. brick top considers this, and has a look at errol who is more than enthusiastic to get on with the job at hand. first things first, one of us, tyrone, you get round to-the russian's. the second you see him call us. i am on it tyrone^. it's the russian, well to be technical an uzbekistan. boris. lincoln's got some tools here, when he has had a few drinks he gets em out and runs around the house holding a pistol in each hand, telling me about what a bad boy he is. well they ain't gonna be lying on the kitchen table vince, we gotta have to look. flick tlie switch. i t ' s dark, they flick the switch. they look onto an immaculate pad. music fades up along with the lights. he likes his drum does bad boy lincoln. the dog goes bounding in. well let's get busy. i didn't know did i? they always looked the shit to me. shut your mouth vince, this is all we got, so this will have to do. sol's mobile rings. yes? now. we're coming over. hold him there. sol puts the phone down before he has to hear what tyrone has to say. leave that dog here vince, we gotta * go. they shut the dog in the main room and go out of lincoln's house. where is he? why didn't you tell us tyrone? tyrone pulls a "i tried" face. no i don't tyrone, but i do know i don't want to be eaten by pulled apart by dogs and then eaten by fuckin pigs. not so fast vin we can't get em now we gonna have to follow them. b tt's car moves off. the black guys follow. ok is very close to ko, and ko is close to r.i fucking.p. you know what rip stands for tyrone? it stands for .shut your fuckin mouth tyrone and leave the talking to us. let's get these ready. jesus, i didn't know it was that loud. you wanted to see if they worked. well they work, i reckon they are really going to put the shits into em. is that boris? let's hit em now. well you better start thinking vince because otherwise you'll be fuckin lucky if you end up looking like that. they are getting out. when we get in you wait by the door i am number one, vin number two and you are number three. i don't want a fuss and i don't want to put a bullet in your face, but unless you give me exactly what i want there will be murders. btt shakes his head in amazement. number three pull the blind down. stand up! you hear what .1 said? stand up, unless you're crippled. you'll look fucking dead, unless you stand up. sol cocks the gun and tony pulls a sarcastic 'i am shocked' face. you want to test em? let go of the gun. any chance of taking lincoln with us? you alright lincoln? err . what? what choice did we have? why should we? could just have disappeared. cut to hands who's thinking. you what? yes but doug the fuckin head does! ohh your one clever bastard vin, you really are. where is it? what happen if they find that it's a fake stone vince? he's not fuckin about, we left it there. it must be in the dog. all eyes focus on the dog. well this is where they were.