it's a bit heavy isn't it boris? yes gorgeous? george looks at the weapon and can see that he's interrupting. oh of course you're not interrupting gorgeous, i put the do not disturb sign on the door because i wanted you to join us. george isn't too bright i am baking a cake gorgeous, not that i t ' s any of your business. put the takings down, and be a good chap. -. george puts down the coins. tommy implies he should leave. gorgeous isn't too bright and continues to stand there looking stupid. tommy goes to turn around but can see that he hasn't left, so he turns back, is there anything else gorgeous, a cup of tea perhaps? no? well in that could you kindly fuck off and shut the door behind you? not too bright but he hits like a train. ok i ' l l take it. you're a gambling man boris, so i'll toss you for it. heads it's mine, tails i'll give you twice the price. boris chews this for a second. is he allowed to do that? turkish is drinking milk from a bottle what's wrong with this one? turning back to tommy and ascending the steps in to his "i have seen better days" caravan, turkish's foot goes through one of the stairs and the.door comes off at the hinges as he tries to open it. i t ' s that campsite. they aren't pikey are they? i hope they're not pikies. i hate fucking pikies. it's my gucci belt, turkish. pointing quite clearly at the gun. it's for protection. boris the blade. don't you worry gorgeous, he's a big man granted but you gotta bigger punch than judy. cut to a caravan camp site comes into view. it's the pikey that's what we are looking for. ten points. we are buying a caravan. not if you're here. calm down, we are buying and then we are off. not as flash as your bike though is it? mr o'neill. good lad. well are you going to go and get him? well what are you waiting for? oh fuck off, i'll find him myself. you can have a quid. mr o'neill? how are ya? i could murder one. sure, yeah, i like dogs. i like caravans more. i don't know what all your fuss was about. they aren't bad fellas. just then the wheels of the caravan come straight off and the caravan is dragged until the car comes to a sudden stop. the dog jumps out the window and goes bounding back to the campsite. just give us my money and you can keep your caravan. this isn't good, if george doesn't wake up in the next few minutes i have a problem. i am scared, really fuckin scared. there is something coldblooded and practical about what these people are thinking. they will pop me like a hot sausage if george doesn't wake up. why do they want to go to the trouble of explaining why a man died in a campsite? these people don't exist in society, you can't find them, they live under their own laws and ignore everybody else's. i am scared, i am really fuckin scared. no, his mum stopped it. if his mum hadn't turned up, well, i ' d be pikey fuckin sausages. he was half his size. he pantomimes a man that would reach his navel i didn't expect him to get hurt. who took the jam out of your donut? you said get a good deal so. we replace the fighter. john "the gun?" or "mad fist" willy? what about clam hand tony? why not? what? ten k. a what? it was us that wanted a caravan.- anyway what's wrong with this one? what, potted more balls than any other player? what else can you do to people on a pool table? we are changing the fighter. brick top wasn't expecting anything out of tommy. you could take bets at the fight. i don't think it's a good idea you going in at all. the car surges off round the back. brick top's just landed, he's walking in the front, i would move it if i were you turkish. turkish puts down the phone what's coursing? what the fuck's a hare? why don't they call em big rabbits then? so what's coursing? what happens if he doesn't? come on, what, proper fucked? you're are as mad as mars you are, why did you take that bet? what happens now? there is something very wrong with this, it was us that wanted to buy a caravan off him. you saying i can't shoot? are you saying it doesn't work? i want to see that sneaky fuckin russian. it's not warm the blood in his veins is it? how far is the russian's? what? you shouldn't drink that stuff any way. it's not in synch with evolution. here let me do you a favour. he reaches over and grabs the carton from turkish, and throws it out the window. the milk obviously hits an on-coming car . in the other direction. there is a terrible crashing noise. tommy and turkish come to a standstill, and look back to see a small pile up on the other side of the road. what was in that milk? i shouldn't think that's a good idea. shall we have a look? i don't care if he's got fuckin hazel nuts, i want a gun that works. i have it, it's waiting. turkish jumps into the ring and grabs micky.