you folks have been real polite, and we'll be outta your hair in just a second. that's very nice. from the old country, it appears. very high class. these are real nice things. they'll take special care of 'em. oh yeh, any old country stuff, we have to take. strawberry princess, huh? you musta been flattered by that. looks just like y. maybe. maybe. but this is still bad, y'see. it's illegal contraband, you were s'posed to turn this stuff in. we, uh. we gotta arrest you. have to take you to seattle. naw, you don't need those. mister eee-ma-da-san here is a class act, a real gentleman. well, nobody knows that yet, do they? so, best for an honest man to clear his name for godd and all. only a few questions in seattle, okay? few questions, few answers, the whole thing is over. simple as that.