chambers. y'see the geese? picture'd be nice. in your pa's paper. careful, chambers. that was almost a joke. what could i tell him? there's my mother to think about. you know what she'd say? i said i'd think it over, talk with you. he kept talkin' about those seven acres belonged to his father, and how honorable and decent his father was. his meaning was pretty clear. and i didn't much like it. i couldn't. talk to him. look, kabuo's a jap. and i don't hate japs, but i don't like 'em neither. it's hard to explain if you weren't in the war, you know? we were kids. my batteries are drawed down, both of 'em. alternator belts were loose. lantern and a air horn. that's all i got, without my juice. don't know how long it's take to get a charge. seven acres. i'm wonderin' what you'd pay for 'em. just curious, is all. did i say i was selling? but if i was, i'd have to figure you want 'em real bad. oughta charge a sall fortune, maybe. then again. maybe you'd want your battery back. might do the same. i have to warn you 'bout that, chief. i'm not screwed together like i used to be. hell, i'm sorry, okay? about the whole damn mess. if i'd a been around, my mother wouldn't a pulled it off that way. i am a bastard. i'm a big hun nazi son of a bitch. and i still got your bamboo fishing rod. hid it from my mom. caught a mess a sea runs. damn thing's still in my closet. $1200 an acre, that's what i paid ole, won't take a dime less. you got no choice on that. a thousand down. we'll sign papers t'morrow.