everyone on the island has these things. this is only my daughter's scrapbook. for her memories. please, reconsider. he has done no bad th. why do i read you this distres- sing letter? from your father. from this hakujin. work camp, it is called. in montana. because you need to know the darkness. in the hearts of the hakuj. the whites are enslaved by their egos, hatsue. each believes his aloneness is everything. we seek union wi. i see it in your eagerness to leave here. and walk the woods. in the afternoon. if you lose your true self, hatsue. true self. there is no way back. secrets are hard to keep. this letter. was opened. by mistake. the neighborhood boy. who taught you to swim? how can i ever hope. for your forgiveness. i have written this letter to the boy's parents. attraction is no crime, certainly among children. the dishonor lies in the concealment. from your families. i know that you know this. i know you have suffered. even if the hakujin could not. there will be no further letters. no contact of any k. we are in your debt, miyamoto-san. how are your parents, your family?