unwritten rule of the sea. we don't bother each other, stick to ourselves. ask anybody. it's a joke. maneuver up to carl's boat? tie your lines fast? come aboard? all against carl's will? it's the stupidest suggestion i ever heard of. couldn't get on the boat. i'd just shoot the feller. then tie up, throw him inta th' drink. and skip bein' the first gill-netter in history to make a successful forced boarding. no sense to have any at all., even the right size. it's like having an extra battery in the trunk of your car. nobody does. boat has two batteries. lose one you run off the other til morning. carl musta lost both, so miyamoto there gave him one a his. compressed air horn, most likely. hope to god some man hears you in that fog. you mean miyamoto followed him out there, and sucker-punched him? now, how is miyamoto gonna know in advance? that carl loses two batteries. must happen once ever' 20 years or so. well, it does seem mighty warm in here. specially for mr. hooks. so why's the d-6 in carl's well? it coulda happened. and if i start to say it's doubtful, you'd probl'y say 'no further questions', right?