go away, ishmael. they need their father. i look terrible. don't sit so straight like tojo's soldier. the jury will be afraid of you. they'll hear everything. ishmael. see the yellow one? never. you're my only. so right. i don't think the boys on this island. are impressed. by grace. as a leaf. on a great tree. he's still got a good grip. we need to dig more. easy. slow is best. you followed me, huh? i'm all wet. don't be sorry. i'm not sorry about it. do you think this is wrong? we're japanese, not mexican, ishmael. he'll slice you up with a ceremonial sword. my mom. would be the problem. i can't hear you. thank you for your help. let's go find obaasan. i can just feel my spirits soar. i lie to my parents every day. and every night. i'm in awe. of your strength. my father can't get our money from the bank. we have a few dol. it's not going to get better, okay? they arrested mr. shirazaki, because his farm is near a navy transmitter. and his family can't leave their house. look at my face. it's the face of the people who did that. my father hardly speaks english. we're in bad trouble, you have to see that. it won't. you'll see. the ones seeking union with the greater life bombed pearl harbor. they are not humble. i am not part of them, i'm part of here. you're like me. you've learned to be devious. so do you. it's your smell i'll miss as much as anything. no. no. it isn't right. i'll write you. you think we're far enough away now? mom, whatever this is, they don't keep war secrets this carefully. you shouldn't have opened that. it was mi. one more letter. i will write it. you may read it, and send it for me. i deceived more than you. i deceived this sweet boy. and myself. it was never love. i will work hard. to earn your forgiveness. i can never hope for his. hello. my father is grateful for your kindness. but he will free his car, shortly. this trial is unfair. you should write about that in your newspaper. just that. this trial is wrong, they are calling a good man a killer. it is only about prejudice, and that is unfair. i don't mean everyone. just people who can do things because they can arrest people or convict them. or run a newspaper. what do you think? will you write that? hello. i'm sorry about your arm. kabuo and i. are very sor. i'm married, ishmael. it isn't right for us to be alone. people will t. i did a terrible thing, ishmael. i knew what you felt. and what i didn't. and i never found the courage to tell you. you have to hear this, i can never touch you, ishmael. not once, not ever. there's no half- way. as much as i know it hurts you, you have to let this go. i hurt for you. whether you'll ever believe that or not. i feel sick sometimes, with the guilt of what i've done to you. and i can't make it right. to hold you would be wrong and deceitful. you're going to have to live without holding me, that is the truth of the way things are. things end. they do. get on with your life. get on with your life. dear ishmael. these things are very difficult to say. i can't think of anything more painful than writing this letter. i don't love you, ishmael. there is no more honest way to say it. whenever we were together, i knew it. i loved you and i didn't love you at the same moment. the last time. at the cedar tree. i knew we could never be right together. and that soon i would have to tell you. this is the last time i will write to you. i am not yours anymore. i wish you the very best. your heart is large and you are gentle and kind. i know you will do great things in the world. i must say good-bye to you now. our lives will move on. the best we can. hopeful. is the word i would use. he didn't say no. that was kabuo's point. given how carl's mother felt, carl was still willing to consider selling to us. it was a good sign. no. kabuo did not wish to beg, he respected carl's right to reflect. he was sure carl would do the honorable thing. the night of the 15th, kabuo helped carl at sea. with his dead battery. right there, on the boat, they agreed. $8400 for the seven acres, $800 down. they shook on it. kabuo was so excited when he came home. one o'clock, that afternoon, from a clerk at petersen's. i said 'excited'. not agitated, he was excited in the sense of being overjoyed. happy for him. and relieved. we hear how carl. passed away. only a few hours later. closer to eight. we are. cautious people. you would say conservative. there would be time for celebrating with others when a paper was signed. of course not. we're just not quick to run and boast. in case something went wrong. yes, and then, what was there to call about? everything was up in the air. we discussed that. and decided not to. because the facts could be misconstrued as murder. trials aren't only about truth, mr. hooks. even though they should be. they're about what people believe is true. we were afraid. silence seemed better. to come forward seemed like a mistake. it seems human. to me. you're implying th. what are you afraid of, sheriff? am i going to slip him a weapon for a mad escape? perhaps a kendo staff hidden in my dress? well, please break them, then. i won't keep you a moment. i love you. and tomorrow, when i make our bed. i'm setting out your pillow. did you write that column? it's not for the. they only get to convict him. it's the judge who decides. if he'll hang. you don't think he did this. come to supper, tonight. my mother would be proud to have you with us. honestly, no. and mr. chambers did that. he went off to the army, right from manzanar. and that last night, we danced alone in the desert. i told him. if you don't come back alive, i'll kill you.