how are the kids? well. just a few more days. okay, i'll hide under the table from now on. that make you happy? i'm not going until you smile. have you ever done this? i just did. he didn't know we were one payment away. you didn't tell him mr. heine promised my fath. nothing illegal. wrong is a different mat. you sold our land out from under us, mrs. heine. you took advantage of the fact that we were gone. you. but your sign. it's my fault. i should have come earlier. what makes you think i play? i'm not sure. i better check down at the center. you mean, do i like to take the offensive? or hang back and wait. you must think i like losing. sure. i could take a fishing gaff and split your head open. right above your left ear. you wouldn't even see it move. mr. gudmundsson, we know what that jury is looking at. i should show them an american? shame you couldn't play chess with my dad, sir. he'd kick your ass. i'm kabuo miyamoto, mrs. imada. my father is sick with the camp food. the rest of us are fine. don't speak of dept, please, we just want to help. hi, hatsue, remember me? i was a senior when you were a junior. but i've seen you around. nice to see you. these are safe, father. the hakujin will never f. what for, sheriff? well, what are you looking f. sheriff, if somebody killed carl, it sure as hell wasn't me. i was checking the cables. naw, i had that around for a while. there's nothin' to see. i need to get out there fi. fish blood, i gaff fish with that. sure. blood gets all over your hand, sheriff, ask any fisherman. sheriff, i can't afford not to fish toni. sir! i'm sorry, sir, force of habit. for combat. sergeant. and what's that? i'm more a hot-blooded killer, huh? like a soldier. like a samurai. you want me to say that. you think that is the truth. and what do you believe? no sweat. we'll pull one a mine, get ya started. you lashed up a lantern? 'gainst a fog like this? keep it tonight. we'll catch fish. i'll see ya back on the docks. what are you sellin' 'em for? why don't we start there. the battery's in, that's done with. besides, you'd do the same for m. i killed men who looked just like you, pig-fed german bastards. and their blood don't wash off so easy. so don't talk to me about japs, you big nazi son of a bitch. oh, yeh? didn't say i was buyin' did i? what you want down? just bein' curious, is all. eight hundred. and it's a deal. as my wife testified, we were considering it. sheriff said right off, i was under suspicion. i didn't have a lawyer. yes. initially. i should have told everything right away. i know that now, and i regret it. i have told the truth. i slept til one-thirty, when my wife woke me up with the news. we talked for a few hours. i left at six and went straight to my boat. yes. i had a spare battery in my shed. i brought it down, and put it in just before the sheriff showed up. you asked if i went straight to the boat. i did. with the battery. only if you ask me nice. please, sit down. she told me you're writing a column. we're very grateful. she. said you two go way back. that's nice. that's right. if i did the math right. oh, sure. these are our neighbors, you know. they've got good hearts. we could see they were following the evidence real close. we're just grateful to every one of them. well, no sir, not exactly. we met in the manzanar camp, you see, so i guess that was the most beautiful place i've ever been. no, her first love was another fella. i was the lucky one.