well, carl was six-four, went 235. he was a grizzly bear and an able seaman. for him to just. go over. crush his skull like that on the way in. nossir. i'd gone to tell the wid. to tell mrs. heine. hey there, men. is your mother home a-tall? you go on and play, now. that's. it's why i'm here. i'm afraid i have some. very bad news to tell you, the. worst. kind of news. carl died last night. in a fishing accident. in white sand bay. we found him, mrs. heine. tangled in his net. these are fishermen, alvin. they don't talk at all to each other and less to me. specially gossip. figure you'da heard by now. i did. boy. all right, look, if you see these boys. course it is, but a man's dead, william. i got to write my report. i'm not gonna see some article about an investigation, am i? no, i wanna be off the damn record, that's what i want. i mean, if there is a killer, why would you want him all alerted? well, the coffee cup was layin' right in the middle of the floor, like i said. and with a fella so neat as carl, that did seem peculiar. maybe the assailant straightened the cabin. and forgot the cup. maybe. yessir, there'd been real heavy fog. didn't think about it at the time. so no, it didn't strike me odd. a little. yes. you have to wonder. it is. he's done some on-the-spot refit- ting. you could see the side flange was banged away to make room for the d-6. it was dead. we had it tested. maybe the d-6 was the spare and he had to use it. two d-6's. that's the kind his well was fitted for. no. apparently. i believe so. i don't think so. he was heavy, but we were real careful. but i don't remember him hitting anything, anywhere. possible. but not darn likely. this here is nels gudmundsson, he's your attorney. well, this one here comes off miyamoto's boat. matches all his others, worn equal and so on. but this one here. comes off third cleat from the stern, port side. and it's brand new. unlike the rest. from carl heine's boat. all his were like this one, three-strand manila, new condition, braided in loops. not bowlined like miyamoto's. found on carl's boat, too. starboard side, second cleat from the stern. but it doesn't match carl's lines. it matches miyamoto's. perfect. you bet. and if miyamoto there had been in a hurry to cast off, he coulda left this line behind on carl's boat. pretty darn clear. cut your engine, we're coming aboard. we have a warrant. to search your boat. then let's get this over with, so you can get to fishin'. now, cut yor engine. you always run with the well open? d-6s, huh? we'll come back, let's take a look at the stern. see you replaced a mooring line, lately. this one's new. sure you did. help me with this hold cover, willya? you gaff with the hook end. blood's on the butt. where your hand goes. gonna have this tested. now you go home, okay? wait til you hear from me. look, no way i'm lettin' you out there. in a half hour you could be in canada. i'm sorry, son. but you're under arrest. she's alright, nels, thanks for asking. the damage was considerable. but she's insured. thanks, again. one d-6 and one d-8 in the well. and a dead d-8 on the deck. what else could it be? you said that. that was your testimony. i'm awful sorry, ma'am, but you know i c. there's rules. you have a visitor, son. you said three minutes. blackmail. that's all it is. you threatened me, chambers, pure and simple. and what idiot's gonna believe some cock and bull story that i made a deal to keep stuff outta your paper? not that anybody reads your paper. see, no lantern. never shoulda given you that inventory in the first place. you wanna see that in the papers? don't ever touch something at a cri. one lantern. like the inventory says. sorry to disappoint you. nothin'. bits of string. here now, what are you fixin' to do? you can't go up there, touch things. you gonna climb that with one arm? don't prove there was two lanterns. coulda been the one in the cabin. what do you think you're lookin' at now?