hips, stomach, cut. stomach muscles tighten as stroke advances. elbow soft, or there is no follow- through. you cut your bokken off from the power of your body, unl. hips sink more. less weight on the heels, so tha. elbow soft. a little better. you can be good with the bokken. if you begin to concentrate. you must choose now, kabuo. at eight years. if you want this. then speak quietly. so you may be heard. we must leave everything. if you like, you can work our fields, sell berries, keep the money. otherwise, they just rot. today, i have $120 toward next paym. please, you take. then, i send more from where i'm going. if not enough, you still have seven acres strawber. no, thank you. take money, please. your great-grandfather was a samurai, a magnificent soldier. he killed himself. on the battlefield. at kumamoto. he went to battle with a sword. against rifles, mind you. knowing what honor required. he was angry. to the point of being crazy, yes. but he knew what honor. required. honor can require loyalty. revenge. death. only scale. in which our worth. is weighed. every life ends. and if it ends dishonored. it is as if.