o.k., tony. do you have the k673 form completed yet, that street vendor incident on powell street? tony, do you mind my saying that you seem a little down? tony, if there's anything wrong, i'm here to listen. too nice!? well, as you may know, tony. i don't report to a commissioner. i report to a committee, some of whom are appointed, some elected and the remainder co-opted on a bi-annual basis. a quorum -- well tony, i've never seen it that way. for me police work is all about following procedure and remaining accountable to the general public. that's interesting tony. i'm perturbed that you should be so disillusioned. oh, hello, charlie. look, i'm in the way here. you guys probably have something you want to talk about, and tony, if you've still got stuff you want to sort out, please, you know where the suggestion box is. o.k., spiletti, i got word from upstairs that you been pokin' your nose into that ralph elliot case. don't "yes, captain" me, spiletti. you're outta line. this is strictly homicide. friend? yeah, we all got friends, spiletti. i'm warning you, stay away from this one. back off, italian boy. you're getting too close to this one. i can't believe i'm doing this, but that girl who confused to ralph elliot's murder also confessed to other murders. yeah, apparently she also confessed to killing abe lincoln, julius caesar, and warren g. harding. she's a nut, spiletti! yeah, screw this one up spiletti and you'll be writing parking tickets for the rest of your days. you think so? well, thank you very much. see that spiletti -- a gray hair! every day, spiletti, i find another one. and that's all due to you. get out there, and catch me some bad guys! sorry.