goddamn shoplifter. but i got him! you're next. no stay! oh, this! oh, no, this is what he stole. this isn't a piece of him or anything. this is icelandic shank. can i help you? yes, we do. it's over here in our scottish cuts section. one? that'll be fifteen, seventy-nine. will there be anything else? now where in the world would i get prussian venison? oh, hi haggis, right? i remember you told me you were scottish, but do you really like haggis. can i help you? sorry, i'm really busy. well, actually, yes. can you get me four belgian porterhouses? do you know what a porterhouse looks like? look, i'm really grateful. can i offer you some meat as payment? please, help yourself to some meat. trying to be a vegetarian? i think the meat industry invented hot-dogs to stop people from becoming vegetarians. there's got to be something i can do to repay you. i hate talking about old relationships. that was easy -- what a nice guy. you've probably never done a mean thing in your life. i'd like to hear. name me something bad you've done in your life. no. did you ever steal anything? you ever hit someone? not one bad thing, charlie? how evil? "brutal" is such a subjective word. i mean, what's brutal to one person might be totally reasonable to another. actually, he just proposed to her. those are tears of joy. prost. do bright women intimidate you? really, what do you look for in women you date? income of course, and then. . savings. i'll make us some tea. i used to live there. that's where i had my first supermarket job. i only have chamomile. i hope that's all right. it's north-south. for health reasons. see. i had this friend, he was a martial arts expert. anyways, he used to sleep north-south. i don't know. it's a martial arts thing and it just sort of became a habit with me. late? who for then? well, you looked at your watch and said it wasn't late for you. i wondered who it was late for. i want to spend the night together. yes! yes! yes ralph. i will. ralph. now now ralph! ralph? that's odd. just today i was thinking about, her. she's a friend. yeah. she's great. rose, i don't really -- yeah, he stayed over? that's good. he did? yeah. rose he's a sweet, kind and loving person. we like each other, but i don't want to think any further. it's taken me a long time to get back to dating, and i want to take things real steady this time. he was quite happy not to talk about the past. that's good. the eyes are good. it's a good likeness. rose, i don't wanna screw this one up. charlie, they're beautiful. i'll put them right in water. i was just getting dressed. what do you think of this skirt? so then you think i could go to a poetry concert like this? come on we're meeting your best friend. i wanna look good. the second i go to the ladies room he's gonna tell you what he really thinks of me. come on, charlie. we have to be there in fifteen minutes. i hope i'm not interrupting. so i heard. so, don't you think we look alike? she's just being kind. show charlie one of your photographs, rose. rose is a great artist. you're so modest. if i weren't here to brag for you, i just don't know. show it to him, rose. do it. we should get going, charlie. thanks, rose. see you later. oh, i know all about him. oh, he did? no, charlie. i'm the worst. sorry. i told you charlie. yeah, let's go in. i feel so safe with you right now. you're never going to leave me, are you? i feel like i could be here forever. ralph! no, ralph! it'll be fine. thank you. i'm sorry. i just. you just surprised me. i'm sorry. i'm really embarrassed. fine. don't worry about it. hurry. what a nice family you have. charlie was the cutest baby. i can't believe the resemblance between you and charlie, mrs. mackenzie. you have the same smile. it's so incredible. no. not officially. i dated a guy for a while who ran a studio. actually, miami. oh, that was years ago. atlantic city was recent. i didn't care for atlantic city. a town full of gamblers and lounge singers. rose -- did i see charlie's car out in front? what are you guys doing? why of me, charlie? there, can you remember that? downstairs. i have a surprise for you. i got something much healthier for you than that. it's a health shake. eggs, malt, cinnamon, oranges. it's great. i mixed it up downstairs. you'll like it charlie. you won't try it. i spent twenty minutes making it. i'm gonna take a quick shower. what do you care? i drank it. you could have at least tried it. you make me feel bad sometimes, charlie. i don't know why. sorry. i'm a little sensitive. you didn't want to drink my milkshake. so what -- right? charlie, what's the matter? charlie. i know, charlie. and it's not just that. look at the things people are doing. partners killing each other. i mean, you hear a story like that, and. who can you really trust these days? it's like, have you ever stood with someone at the edge of a cliff, or the edge of a subway platform, and you think, just for a split second, "what if i pushed him?" i'm just making a point of how many times we trust people with our lives. i mean, look at us. if you didn't trust me, you would never be able to fall asleep. look at you, you're sleeping. look how vulnerable you are. i mean, i could do anything at that point. anything. you're lying on your side, asleep, i could. stick a needle in your ear. i'm just making a point of what a good relationship we have. goodnight, sweetheart. well, good night. good night. charlie. hi. why not? and tell me the truth. i don't think so. i'm going to "cleave you?" what does that mean? rejecting me. i know that. so why are you leaving me? you haven't. at least you left early on. so, that's it, then. i've got a lot of work to do. now, where were we? go away, charlie. you really hurt me. sure, talk. you didn't lose me. you rejected me. how do i know you won't reject me again? i love you. but you blew it, charlie, you blew it. i thought it was coming from here. i've been there for almost a year. i only planned on stay with her for a few weeks, but she gets upset every time i say i'm moving. i pretty much raised her. you know the scene. depressed mother. withdrawn father. my dad was a photographer too. he hated it. trudging off to those weddings every saturday night. other people's celebrations he called it. he said sometimes they didn't even offer him a glass of soda. he had a small studio, and every year at christmas he'd take a picture of me and rose and put it in the window on a little card that said "seasons greetings." awful pictures. it's like. i could see his pain in my face. anyway, me and my sister worked with our "childhood issues" in different ways. she became a photographer and i became phobic about having my picture taken. it's quite a family. dead. car accident. charlie, i want you to meet a friend of mine. say hi to ralph. this is charlie. i'll leave you guys alone. have a great time. why, yes, you are. boy, you really made some impression with ralph. she can't get over you. is everything all right, charlie? you're perspiring. what? no. i don't know, charlie. it's so good like it is. why don't we just live together first? yes. let's get married, charlie. i do. what are you! sorry. the flash just. they're great. i can't wait, charlie. it sounds wonderful honestly? it sounds a little hallmark. you want anything? they were. i think they're gone. the gas station guy. i thought he was chasing us for a while, but i guess he stopped. i don't know, charlie. i guess for not paying. i forgot to pay. i didn't want to be away from you for any longer. yes. and you're an accomplice. look, charlie, don't you get it? we're a team. it's like a castle, charlie. it's so beautiful. just a little head-ache. excuse me, is there a drug store in the hotel? i want to get some aspirin. thanks. don't go anywhere. i'll be right back. it's nothing. it's just. i was just thinking. we're married now. and i always wanted to try and have kids, and. it's just, i get scared that certain things will happen, or. it's not that, charlie. you're gonna laugh. if we have kids, charlie, things happen. kids are healthy and fine, and some aren't, and i don't know if i could live with myself if i gave birth to a child with webbed feet. you're laughing. you think that's silly? it really worries me, charlie. you're the greatest charlie. i just wanna look good for you, charlie. that's all. do i look okay, charlie? what's wrong? oh, yeah. charlie, your food is getting cold. what's a matter, charlie? what happened, charlie? hello, charlie. smile, charlie. act like you're having a good time. don't go, charlie. i heard you on the phone before, charlie. there's something i've got to tell you. i've been married before. about my husbands? aaahhhhhhh! where are you, charlie? what's going on? tony, is that you? it's me, harriet. i'm in here. tony, rose is trying to kill charlie. they're out on the ledge. sure, anything. you've got to save charlie. look! it's charlie! i swear to you. it was charlie. look! now there's rose! i beg you. look! it is rose. i thought you were going to leave me, like the others. thank god they were just murdered. i thought they were always leaving me.