charlie, put on charlie pride, would ya? oh, i love charlie pride. hey, did you happen to see the most stuart, you're going to give the boy a complex. is that enough potatoes, charlie? i'll put it in the frig. would anyone like a juice? charlie, did i tell you, we bought a juice tiger? aye, it's a juicer. it's part of my national enquirer, garth brooks diet. would you like potato juice? sherri's late. oh, you didn't. sherri was the daughter your father was never able to give me. maybe it's just as well not to get married, look at the news. where did i put it? oh, here it is. mrs. x. the honeymoon murderer. she marries men under fake identities, and then murders them. she killed some german martial arts expert, and some plumber named ralph elliot. her whereabouts are unknown. ah, you're steaming. oh, you've turned into a sexy italian bastard. ah, charlie is this the wee harriet. ah, she's beautiful. she's so sweet. i hope you keep her. stuart, come out here. you tube. stuart, put your pants on. oh, ignore him. come have a look at some photos of charlie when he was a wee'n. ah, charlie, lighten up. you've got a pickle up your ass. make sure you leave the seat down. he always leaves the seat up. he's gotta learn. this is charlie with his uncle ecky. he's a policeman in canada. and our cousins ruth and jack. he's just got a restraining order from his wife. she's a lovely girl. this is billy. he's a member of parliament. he drinks. okay, everyone come and get a piece of cake and some milk. harriet, come here a minute. i want you and uncle angus to play a song together.