hello, everyone i'm a park ranger and i will be leading you on the tour. all the park rangers here at alcatraz were at one time guards, myself included. my name is john johnson, but everyone here calls me vicki. will you please follow me? this is the main cell block area. home to such famous criminals as al capone, micky cohen, joseph "dutch" critzer, and robert stroud, the famous bird man of alcatraz. follow me, please. this is the cell for solitary confinement, that over the years has come to be known as times square. now this is something none of the other tour guides will tell you. in this particular cell block machine gunn kelly had, what we call in the prison system, a "bitch." and one day, in a jealous rage, kelly took a makeshift knife, or "shiv," and cut out his "bitch's" eyes. and as if blinding his "bitch" wasn't enough retribution for kelly, the next day he and four other inmates took turns pissing into the "bitch's" ocular cavity.