go away. i'm harriet's sister, rose. and this is harriet's note. 'dear charlie, i didn't want to wake you, make yourself at home, thanks for making me smile.' harriet. i'll make you some breakfast. what would you say to blueberry pancakes, bacon, fresh squeezed grape juice and kona coffee? i'm sorry i didn't have any of those other things. got 'em. yes. she's been here the past three months. ever since she came back from miami. i used to visit her occasionally. she didn't speak of me? she spoke of them? well, you know harriet. but you did have sex with her? yet you still don't know her. see, that's the problem with sex. it's not very revealing. you should be careful, charlie. i'm gonna go now. i won't tell harriet that anything happened. exactly. or she would be jealous. and when she gets jealous, we both know what she's capable of. you'll be okay, charlie. just be careful. did you have a nice date last night? he disturbed me while i was naked in the shower this morning. i didn't mind. charlie and i laughed about it over breakfast. he said you had great sex last night. he seems really stuck on you. i hope for you that it lasts. well, you can trust me not to tell him anything. i did a sketch of him. think i've caught him? charlie really liked it. boy, i really hope it works out. i thought of calling you. to warn you, charlie. there are just some things you should know, about harriet. about her past. here's the thing. i may have to tell harriet. that we're lovers. i know, and it's a damn shame. oh, we do not. harriet was always prettier than me. and a heck of a lot more popular. she always had boyfriends. the only thing i ever got was good grades. no, harriet. i don't want to. they're not good. thanks. i dunno. i dunno. it is titled. it's called "i dunno". bye, charlie. you're back. but harriet's not here yet. sure. that would be fine. i'm glad you asked. i didn't want to be so forward. i mean, if you're waiting inside, then you feel obligated to entertain me and keep up the conversation just to be polite, and really your head might be totally elsewhere and then there's the chance that you would really want to talk and it's me who'd be busy, but in an attempt not to be rude, i sit there and listen to some story that you don't really want to tell and i don't really have time to hear. you know? i think about a lot of things. okay! what would you like me to do? harriet's far more talented than i am. well, i don't think she'd wanna do this sort of. i doubt i'd have any. harriet hates being photographed. we're in here, harriet. charlie wanted a photo of you. hi, charlie. trust your first instincts, charlie. you never do. it's your big mistake. that and the haircut. harriet, its for you. oh, hi! i was just doing a murder series in honor of the wedding. yes, harriet, give it to me. she's a butcher. . she owns a butcher shop. sorry. no can do. it didn't come out. the picture didn't come out. it was unflattering. in made her look ten pounds heavier. she's my sister. and if she's not innocent. if she's, you know, "quirky?" charlie. why did you marry harriet? i warned you not to marry her, didn't i? i warned all of them. but none of them listened to me. they all went ahead and married her. she's the pretty one. where's harriet? what have you done with my sister, harriet? if you've done something to my sister, harriet, i swear to god i'll kill you. charlie, did you like your note? i thought it was pretty accurate. i did all the husbands' notes. i can forge anyone's handwriting, i can write in anyone's style. see, i'm an artist. harriet isn't an artist. sure she could get a husband, but she could never have done this. and you know what i'm most proud of? harriet never knew. she thought they all just left her. i protected her. she's my sister.