i'm leaving you. that's not funny, charlie. i'm really leaving. we've had a fight every night for two months. ever since i brought up the subject of marriage, you've found fault with everything i do. why couldn't we have gotten married, charlie? it's been two years now. i need something more. that's like saying we're not the sort of people who are going to grow old. we're not going to fall into that "growing old" trap. face it, you've got a problem with commitment, charlie. take a look at your other girlfriends. every time you get close to a commitment there's something wrong with them. what about sandy? no-no-no. you thought she was an alcoholic. she just drank more than you drank. what about jill? you thought she hated your family. nobody hates your family. everybody loves your family. what about julie? what does that mean? well, charlie, i wonder what you're gonna say were my problems? are you gonna tell your friends that i was a junkie, that i wasn't supportive enough or that i smelled like relish? charlie, i loved you. it could have worked out. think about it. hey, charlie. i'm okay. this is michael. michael, this is charlie mackenzie. i'm teaching him. i heard you have a new girlfriend. problems? let me guess. she's a murderer. what else is left?