we're in here, son. come give your old man a kiss or i'll kick your teeth in. may, shut it. scores! magic goal! let's have a look at the re-play. william, move your head. look at the size of that ooy's heed. i'm not kidding. it's like an orange on a tooth pick. i'm not kidding. that's a huge noggin'. it has it's own weather system. it's a virtual planetoid. heed! move! do i smell haggis? that's the latest report from lyndon h. larouche, outlining how the queen and the rothschilds masterminded the soviet overthrow, so that they could reclaim lands they had annexed during the holy roman empire. listen, sonny jim, it's a known fact there's a society of the five wealthiest people in the world, called the pentaverate, who run everything and meet three times a year at a secret country mansion in colorado, known as "the meadows." that's right. they fuckin' own the papers, smartass. and everything else. why do you think scotland's not been able to get independence? because the queen the pentavirate and those english dome heads in west minster won't have it. the queen, the rothchilds, the gettys, the vatican, and colonel sanders before he went tits up. oh, i hated the colonel with his wee beady eyes. and that smug look on his face. because the colonel puts an addictive chemical in it that makes you crave it fortnightly. but it's not just the poetry is it son? you're afraid if you get married you'll lose your muse. look at me, i was a strapping young butcher, at the height of my creative powers. when it came to de-boning a side of beef, there was nobody that could touch me. then i married your mother. and people would still stand in awe as i filleted a shoulder of lamb. heed. move that melon of yours into the bathroom and get the paper for your mother. what are you talking about? it's the fifth highest circulating paper in the united states, i'll have you know. scores! two nil. magic! you're in my eyes, you're in my fine. go! you've stayed your hour. ah, it's the wee harriet. hold your horses. heed! pants! oh, that's for tony. so, charlie tells me you're a butcher. let's talk meat. come here. i like this one charlie. she's quite a filly. don't be embarrassed about having a good strong butcher's grip. do you link your own sausage? make sure there's paper, charlie. and light a match. you okay in there, charlie? you didn't fall in, did you? i'm proud of you, son. i'm proud of you. i just wanna propose a toast. to my wife. forty five years ago today may and i got married. some of you were there, some of you weren't born yet, some of you are now dead, but. we both said, "i do" and we haven't agreed on a single thing since. but, i'm glad i married you may cause. it could have been worse and besides. i still love you. i'd like to thank charlie for throwing us this party. i hope some day you have the same great 45 years that we've had. let's get pissed. you know golden gate park was designed by a scotsman, macclaren, which is who macclaren park was named after.