the rain-streaked window. kelvin is yelling at rheya. we don't hear what he's saying, but judging from her reaction, it's not pleasant. she is crying. kelvin, still yelling, is packing some things into a suitcase. rheya, between sobs, pleads with him. rheya lies on the kitchen floor, dead. there is a note in her hand. kelvin holds the dead rheya. rheya, talking to chris. obviously during a period when they were getting along. or at least: not fighting. kelvin, as he packs to leave rheya. rheya, unconscious, on the kitchen floor. rheya on the kitchen floor, the note in her hand. rheya, as kelvin brushes past her on his way out. she looks desperate. rheya, on the kitchen floor. the bottle of sleeping pills just beyond her hand. kelvin, with the dead rheya in his arms, crying. beyond him is the rain-streaked window. on the floor, by her hand, is the note. on it is scrawled the end of a dylan thomas poem, the one kelvin quoted to her the first time they spoke. kevin holding rheya.