kelvin speaks into a video communication device. as he does, we see images of the things and people he describes. later. kelvin is lying down. the lights are out, and he is trying to sleep. kelvin is asleep, rheya in his arms. kelvin, on the edge of his bed. he wants to tear himself inside out. kelvin is lying down, looking at the door. time has passed. kelvin is asleep. kelvin and rheya are asleep. kelvin is getting ready to leave. rheya sits on the edge of the bed, nervous. kelvin and rheya sit together in the prometheus. rheya continues her story without a beat. kelvin lies in bed, his eyes open. rheya is in his arms. kelvin is out of bed and speaking into a videophone to snow. rheya is asleep in the background. the room is dark except for the glow of the screen. kelvin is eating with rheya. looking at her. desiring her. kelvin and rheya, post-coital. relaxed. on the verge of sleep. on the prometheus. rheya is awake, kelvin asleep. rheya is asleep. kelvin is talking to snow on the videophone. back to kelvin, thinking. kelvin on the bed with rheya. their eyes are closed. kelvin is asleep. rheya is next to him. kelvin, thinking. he gives rheya some pills to take. she just looks at them. kelvin and rheya, in bed. she looks despondent. kelvin is asleep. alone. kelvin puts rheya on the bed. her face and throat have returned to normal, but she is not breathing. kelvin goes and puts his head to her chest, but doesn't hear what he hoped to hear. he stands, still looking at her. snow seems very detached. kelvin and rheya, in bed. a long, held shot of rheya, crying. she is curled up, retreating into herself. kelvin is trying to console her. kelvin and rheya. she is sobbing, but somewhat calmer. kelvin, asleep. in the immediate aftermath of her suicide attempt with the liquid oxygen: rheya and kelvin. kelvin is asleep. rheya is next to him. kelvin is on the videophone to snow. he is playing back a message sent by sartorius. kelvin wakes up. rheya is beside him. he rises and heads for the bathroom. snow on the videophone to kelvin. rheya is asleep in the background. rheya and kelvin. kelvin is asleep. rheya is crying beside him. kelvin asleep, alone. rheya is in the corridor, talking to someone. kelvin, in a fever, eyes open but glazed. on the prometheus. kelvin is in bed, feverish. kelvin in bed, on the prometheus. still feverish. on the prometheus. kelvin looks over to rheya. kelvin, transfixed. kelvin is in his bed, still feverish.