you have to give me your word you won't come in. then i'll come out. didn't you talk to snow? who, here, could possibly care what you want? at best, you're employee of the month for the highest bidder in the solaris auction. they have no idea what's going on up here. they've never even been in space. and i'm supposed to listen to you? the same thing that could happen to any of us. in the lab. with her, probably. his last wish was to be buried on earth. in dirt, he said. "i want to buried in dirt." what a clown. just so you know: i'm not going back until i understand what it is. i am going to figure out what it is, make it stop, and then i will go home. we're done. oh, i should tell you, i don't trust snow. there's something wrong with him. i don't care what it is, we need to figure out how to make it stop. what if this thing follows us back to earth? what if what's happening here started happening on earth, on a mass scale? don't you see that as a problem? i think it's a serious mistake to assume it's benign. for all we know it's driving us crazy so it can watch us kill each other. why do you say that? we thought you'd be alone. we want to talk about. i suggest we pool our knowledge regarding the. visitors. we can express whatever questions or conclusions we might have. share information about our various. experiments. agreed? i would like to start with motivation. why are they here? they are not autonomous individuals and they're not actual persons. they are projections materializing from our minds, based on a given individual. she reappeared exactly as she had before? a recoil, with no compensating mechanism. followed by non-human manifestations. if they're not learning anything and they're not modifying their behavior, why do they come back? gibarian was helpless. it's very simple: man created the science that resulted in the discovery of solaris, and the ship that brought us here. yes. why did you agree to come here? too tired to answer? i'll bet. is this what they sent you here to do? you've lost it, you've gone native. prove it. you are not human! try to understand that if you can understand anything! rheya is dead. she's a copy. a facsimile. and she's seducing you all over again. you're sick. you think of fucking her as research for humanity. it's just fucking. there's nothing grandiose about it. you've jumped out of a plane and you're trying to sew a parachute together while you fall. it'd be hilarious if it weren't so damn sad. i'm sending you a message because i feel sorry for you. i really do, kelvin. it is a mistake to become emotionally engaged with one of them. you are being manipulated. you are going around in circles to satisfy the curiosity of a power we don't understand and can't control, and she is the living proof that power exists. if she were ugly, you wouldn't want her around; that's why she's not ugly. she is a mirror that reflects part of your mind. you provide the formula. you can only finish where you started, remember that. they sold us out to the highest bidder. they had no right to do that. we should have been consulted. we're not fucking hardware. not her. it. kelvin, she begged me. i had a short-range version of the destabilizer prototype, a miniature with a range of a few meters. she walked into it and disappeared. she was gone. no, she won't. it's not human, kelvin. whatever it is, it's not human, and i am threatened by that. evolution-of- the-species-at-stake threatened. and i want to win. i want humans to win. so i am killing it before it kills me. whose side are you on? it's changing characteristics. it's solidifying taking on weight. if it continues, it will implode from its own weight and turn into a black hole in about four hours and pulls us in with it. yes. snow, get up here, now. fuck me. i knew it. you want it coming back with us? we do not have time to deal with this. get the diode sail into position and let me know when the bias drive and the induction ring are at zero point.