yes. we heard. he's dead. suicide. you didn't bring any chocolate, did you? i love chocolate. i realized just yesterday how much i love it. i thought maybe, if they let you bring personal effects, you might have snuck some through, because. well, i've been thinking about it. i can't talk just now. i'm too tired. in his lab. he won't let you in. kelvin, if you see anything unusual. try to stay calm. why, who did you see? who was it? oh, that's a relief. how much sleep do you need? how long can you go without sleep? well, when you do go to sleep: barricade your door. was her breakfast conversation that bad? i told you, try to stay calm. you're supposed to be the psychologist of the bunch. personally, i think it's god. at least, it fits my definition. i'm not sure. it started with gibarian. he locked himself in his room and refused to talk except through a crack in the door. he covered the video lens. obviously we thought he was having a nervous breakdown. i don't know why he didn't tell us he had somebody in there. by this time, we were getting visitors, too. he was desperately trying to figure it out. day and night. who was she? dead? she has materialized from your memory of her. what was her name? it started about three months ago. right after the government sold the expedition. we were ready to go home. probably. told you what? what will you say? what are you going to report back to earth? an enormous amount of money changed hands to get control of this project. we are in little danger of being left alone for long. you'll need to do something. otherwise they'll be sending someone out to recover you. that's ludicrous. this is contact. we have found god. the only issue is figuring out how to prove this in a way that will make sense back on earth. so how will we describe it, if we choose to describe it at all? it's god. we're not even sure it will let us leave. kelvin, you awake? can you meet me and sartorius on b deck in an hour? just a little strategy session. but in person this time. he won't do it. he won't. we want to talk freely. it's an experiment. the same vulnerabilities? and when a given situation no longer corresponds to the normal faculties of the. original, the visitor suffers some sort of disconnected consciousness. are the actions of solaris premeditated? i'm just trying to find an explanation for the continual reappearances. it's like they're plugged into a game, which goes around and around, endlessly repeating itself. you're unnerved because you've spent your whole life thinking nobody is looking over you, and suddenly your subconscious is an open book. we are, for the first time, experiencing changes in natural reality by a force not our own. that proves that -- if god is beyond our comprehension, and she -- -- is here for reasons that can't be understood, isn't god here? stop equivocating! unbelievable, how you equivocate! you, the atheist, you're more dogmatic than any holy person i've ever seen! this is happening, kevin. wake up. who are you trying to convince? it will end badly. as inevitably as the rising of a bubble. let's all meet tomorrow. sartorius has some new ideas, about making it stop. gibarian was under enormous -- we didn't even get to hear his new ideas. i'm not feeling well. we can liquidate the station. take the athena back. of course, when we return, we'll be regarded as lunatics if we tell the truth. we'll chalk it up to isolation, collective derangement. well, i think we're reaching the point of diminishing returns here, right? certainly it's learning more about us than we'll ever learn about it. perhaps it did. but they are human. they certainly become human with incredible speed. first they're like they were in our memory, but then they fill in on their own. dna doesn't determine the hundreds of trillions of connections that occur in the brain, it's not dense enough. they build up with experience. that's right. and we all have to sleep, eventually. what happened? she'll come back, don't worry. but then what? my theory is she can only live here, that she will die if she leaves this ship. why do you think she hasn't suggested that? it's the most obvious solution: escape. she knows she can't leave here -- oh, this one you love? what about the first one, the one you fucked and then put into a rocket and blasted into space? you didn't love her? what happens if she comes back? is that polygamy? and even if you could take her home, how would you get her through? you think they're not going to notice her? i never get used to them, these. "resurrections". she knows everything? does she know she came once before and you put her in -- what do you want? what plan? what do you want to do, leave the station with her? kelvin, she'll disintegrate. you don't believe me? let's radio that shuttle pod you launched -- better yet, let's go get it. i've charted it's trajectory, only take a few hours. maybe she doesn't need any. should we check? who are you trying to please? yourself? her? which her, this one or that one. can you face both? we are in a situation that is beyond morality. so: leave with her. you'll see the transformation. you'll see her die, that's all. they're mortal, despite what she told you. she will die. then what will you do? you do, you don't. she's willing to give her life, you're willing to give yours, it's touching and magnificent, anything you want but -- this isn't the place for it. don't you see? no, you don't. i don't think it dislikes us. i think it just noticed us. it lives, thinks, and acts. we are dealing with a living creature here, no question. and it's done something we've never been able to do: create a perfect human body. perfect except for the subatomic alterations, but. i won't be making the trip. i'm not snow. i got rid of him. i wanted to see if. i wanted to be the only one. i wanted to be snow. oh, right away. that's why you never saw me with anyone. you should've noticed that. i miss him, though. i think i made a mistake. but i can't leave with you. i won't make it. you go ahead. of what i remember about earth. it's all one thing now. everything's a blur. i like distinctions.