he was unconscious. we couldn't ask him anything. he -- what do you mean he's survived worse? did he say something? a soldier! the tannhauser gate was a battle. where's nathan? if there's any danger to nathan -- we're teaching the boy to walk. i got something for you. here. like this. see? practice with it. in a day or two maybe you'll be strong enough to go out to the garden with sandra. let's go. come on, sergeant. replaced? that's why we're weighing down. and that's why we're always on the wire even when the wind's down, like now. you don't get much warning. here, load up, you'll want the weight, i promise. oh, we're not going to shoot anything. that's not what we mean by "hunting." jimmy pig, you're not going to shoot anything, are you? it's how we call for help. two shots. there'll be someone on duty, listening in case we get off the wire and get lost or something. we have flares too. come on. sandra said she told you how we wound up here. our parents and so on. over here, we call these "catcher trenches." smaller stuff that blows across the ground, it falls in these trenches, it works sort of like a filter. we go through the trenches sometimes and get some good stuff. we try to work 'em when they're dry. it's lousy going in there when they're flooded. you can see. whatever looks useful, if we can get a rope to it, we'll go for it. but you can't ever go further than your safety line because it'll come up on you with sometimes maybe ten seconds or even less. like right now. you hear that? it's close when you hear that. she's gonna blow, jimmy. grab on, sergeant! uh, thanks, sergeant. thanks a lot. dumpers. they come every twenty or thirty days. there's going to be a meeting. people are upset about him. that's what scares people. he gets stronger every day. i've caught him. sneaking looks at you. at your body. yes. god knows where he's been. or what he's done. i've never been afraid of anyone before. not this way. i feel he could break me in half. with no real effort and no real. feeling. maybe he is. it doesn't matter. we'll give you any tools you need, warm clothing, a good knife, boots. you're a friend, sergeant. it's just. if you need us. you can ask us for help. we voted wrong! todd! todd! todd! we want you to come back! we made a mistake! todd! we're sorry! we were wrong! damn! thank you, todd. god damn! i almost took a. a. swim there! my. god! someone's landing. look at that. it's some kind of vehicle. a landing party. hey! maybe. they're. . friendly. oh, shit, todd. i'm. dead. aren't i? i'm not going to make it. why? why? i'm not. a soldier. a. mistake? was it. a mistake? oh, my god. they won't. they won't? not sandra! not. not. nathan! soldiers! soldiers. . deserve. soldiers!