colonel mekum has his "boys" unpacked. i think he wants to show them off. they look. impressive. this is colonel mekum from q. he's their commanding officer. very nice, riley. fall away. thirty seconds, 90 percent hits. ninety-nine percent. that's. very good. what are we supposed to do with the old soldiers? at ease, soldier. soldier! up the chain! romero, a. -- goines, d.l. -- up the chains. get him, men! they're. fantastic! merry christmas, everybody. and some good cheer. that's "conduct unbecoming," sloan. eat, drink, and be merry, men. for tomorrow you go on patrol in the "hostile zone." all right, crawler, crawler, we got you. this is daddy. continue per, over. we're clear. we can send a crew out. jesus! it says here macy's is going out of business. can you imagine that? new york without macy's? yeah? what flavor pain in the ass? gravity pain in the ass? atmosphere pain in the ass? wind! will the wind affect the patrol? people. they've spotted people! two civilians. unarmed. they've killed both of them. they've spotted smoke from some kind of camp and they're going to check it out. not yet. who do you think they are? report from crawler one. everything under control. no need for assistance. ineffectual. about fifty disorganized people with almost no fire power. three men are going in to clean them out; one man's staying with the crawler. well, he didn't say the word "growl." he said a "throat-noise," but i asked him to imitate it and it sounded like a growl to me. i think. i think we have to assume the missing men are. down. we could send reinforcements now. uh, what does that mean, "the hammer"? i. don't. quite. follow. sir. raw firepower! this is daddy, come in, number two. daddy calling number two. i tried one. i can't get either one of them. then we lost them. not even estimates. hello. hello, one. this is daddy. what good'll it do just setting it outside? we don't know where the enemy is. thirty minutes is awful tight! we roger. right horizontal checks green. she's right! four more casualties aren't gonna mean anything to anybody, especially when they're already obsolete. it sounds. are you crazy? you can't do this, soldier! you're going to be in trouble. listen, you don't understand! that bomb is triggered! it's on a timer! no! no! no!