want to try some more of this? you rest now. i'll give you more later. no, but he's covered with old wounds, all sorts of scars. knife scars, bullet scars, burns. there are words on his shoulder. tannhauser gate, the argentine sector, montana, bolivia, shanghai we'll have to sleep on the floor. i won't permit danger to nathan. you must be. you must be feeling better. he's late learning. he was sick for a long time. this way. you have to watch out for them. they probably wouldn't kill someone your size, not if you were healthy anyway. but they'd make you pretty sick. someone smaller. like me, or a child. in a month this one will be as big as those. here. you try one. and it got worse and worse. my father hadn't had any work in three months and. also. there were other things. violence. political feelings. my father said he'd heard it was better in the trinity moons. a lot of other people must have had the same idea because the ship was jammed with people. mostly families. that's probably why it broke down. overloaded. even after they made the repairs, it barely got off the ground, it was an old converted mining transport, a piece of junk to start with. it just. dropped. maybe you saw what's left of it. out there in the wind. a lot of people died. and we couldn't make any radio contact. so we were stuck here. nobody was happy about it. a few years later, when the dumpers started coming over and dropping stuff, people tried to get their attention with explosions and fires. but it didn't work. they must be unmanned. or they just don't care. maybe they think we're garbage too! so there really wasn't any choice. people had to pull together and make the best of it. we became a. community. one good thing. nobody bothers us. who'd want to fight over a godforsaken place like this? i guess that's what you like! the fighting, i mean. the wars. you must. you're a soldier. we'll eat these. it seemed like he was never going to walk. then all of a sudden. he's an expert. well, not quite an expert. sergeant todd. what's it like. what's it like being a soldier? what do you think about? do you think about food? or women? you must think about something. what about feelings then? you must have feelings. you must feel something. fear! you mean. you feel afraid? that's when you're in battle. what about other times? now, for example? now? you don't. look afraid. you look fearless. oh, my god. but there's nothing to be afraid of here. i can't hurt you. i wouldn't. it's beautiful, jimmy. he'll love it. you should give it to him yourself. i think he's in the meeting room. doing. exercises. he's not fully recovered. i know. are you afraid of him, mace? he told me he's afraid. what happened? and if you're ever sick. or you get hurt. mace! what about the vote? everybody voted. what's going on? keep going, children, don't panic, don't panic. into the bedroom, all of you. sergeant todd! nathan, thank god, there you. did he find you? my husband. mace. he went out to look for you. he. found you, didn't he? they. killed him. didn't they? your wound. it's still bleeding. it doesn't. hurt? how do you know they'll come back? what. what do they want? nothing? you know who they are, don't you? do you know how many there'll be? seventeen! my god! you can't fight seventeen yourself! you have to organize the rest of us, show us what to do. we don't have your. your skills. but we're not cowards. we'll do what you tell us, we'll -- why not? but. one soldier against seventeen! sergeant! sergeant todd! sergeant. these soldiers. the ones you're going to fight. are these the "better ones". the ones who replaced you? sergeant todd. i think they. i think. someone made a serious. mistake. sergeant todd said. he knew them! he said -- he's not dead! "-- sailed an a river of crystal light into a sea of dew. where are you going and what do you wish the old moon asked the three. 'we've come to fish for herring fish'" shhhhhhh! oh, my god! it's. it's you! are you. all right? go? sarah, you hang on to sergeant todd. no matter what happens! ellen, go to the commons. tell jimmy pig and mr. slade that sergeant todd says we have to leave as soon as they get everybody out of the root-cellar. can you do that? it's all right. the soldiers are gone for now. but be careful where you walk. and if it's too smoky, just come back. tell them to bring all the food and clothing they can carry. do you all understand that sergeant todd here is going to help us, and whatever he says to do you must do immediately, as if he was your father or your mother. no. but he's our friend. our good friend. do you understand? no. no, he can't do that, but -- sergeant todd! they're just children! sergeant. nathan!