hello, win. you know neil steinhart? they've got two monsters now. both boys. you didn't like him? it's called "solid". nice to find someone you can count on, win. it's terrific win. occasionally. i will. i promise. screams, unable to imagine or believe it. steps back, turning and moving back toward the elevator, running. no. neil, do what he says. please. i've never seen anyone killed before. this really isn't necessary. the security in this building is about the best in the city. be my guest. excuse me. this is my dressing room, and these are my clothes. i understand your responsibilities. but i'd appreciate you staying out of here at all times. straight ahead. detective keegan, i hope you understand how upsetting this is? i don't want to talk about it. you know, and i know, that the only thing standing between a life sentence for venza and his freedom is my testimony at his trial. he killed win. he enjoyed it. and i'm making mine. what am i supposed to do?! i saw one of my oldest friends get killed! and i saw who did it! i can't just -- "let it go away"!! i'm sorry. i'm not sure how this works. i have to go out. is that all right? i have to pick something up before bergdorf's closes, then stop at a reception just a few blocks away. lieutenant garber said that in all likelihood there was no real danger, is that true? can we go then? there's a phone in the car. do you have another tie? something more conservative? what's the number? what did he say? you live in manhattan? my father founded a music school there. the milton gregory school. i'm supposed to speak at their tenth anniversary. are you nervous? would you wrap it for me, i'll be back in a moment. could you come with me please. would you pick one out, please? since you're going to be my escort, you'll need a new tie. put it on my account, please. if we had more time we'd work on the suit too. you look quite elegant, actually. you can touch me, i won't bite. i wouldn't have missed it, tony. this is mike keegan, the policeman assigned to protect me. antonia bolt. marge woodwin, antonia bolt, this is mike keegan. people think i'm stepping out on neil. we're causing quite a scandal. let's get a drink. i'll have a spritzer, order something soft for yourself. i must go for a pee. i think i can probably do that on my own. hi. just checking to see if you're here. yeah. listen, that was my fault. if i had known i was going to have company, he was right next to me. i think he heard me peeing! i hate that, i am glad he's in jail. lieutenant garber says when i identify him, they're going to lock him up and throw away the key. i guess i'm supposed to do it in the morning. identify him. he said he'd kill me. right. how could he do that if he's in jail and they've thrown away the key? hmm. urdu and hindi. didn't do very well, did you? you were reading my renoir. you put it back in the wrong place. do you like renoir? you know why they're like that? he was myopic. going blind. so, this could be your last night, huh? want to go out for a drink? i mean, we're both sitting here, and joey venza's in jail. you mean to tell me, a mugger would stay away from someone because they walked a certain way? that's the dumbest walk i ever saw! and die laughing, because you're walking so stupid! okay. let's just see if a mugger gets me. so it was "love". and "is"? that's nice. and you live in queens? with a child, and a dog? i saw you with a dog, in my mind. but "nice". you don't like him, do you? tell it like it is. he's very caring, in his way. you haven't seen him at his best. i'll miss you, mike. it was nice having you "watch over me". good night, mike. it was my fault not detective keegan's, i'm sorry for all the fuss. what do you want? i can't open it. you put me life in danger. and then what? i'll never be safe. i'll have to leave the country! you can't protect me, and you can't keep him in jail! and you knew that all the goddamn time! you told me i'm safe? i'm going for a walk in the park. i'm perfectly calm, i'm a normal human being. i'm going for a walk in the park. let go! i trusted you! i thought you cared about me?! more bullshit! more bullshit! what kind of odds are they giving me? there must be some kind of office pool. one month? a couple of days? is everything all right? they called here after you left. this is me, mike. there's nothing else. okay, then let's make it easy. it was a mistake. don't make me feel guilty now that it's over, let's forget about it. don't you think i know what this is doing. i know you have a wife. i know you have a family. i'm not asking for anything. i don't want anything. just please hold me i'm scared. he's okay? oh. you told her? what do you want to do? you're tired. let me watch over you tonight. i have thought it through, neil. hello? mike. where have you been? oh, i do want to know. i tried to reach you at the precinct. oh god, that's great! oh, i'm fine. they've replaced you with quite an entourage. it's a regular "marching band". you should see me on the street, you'd think i was the first lady -- i'm taking them all out to queens, as a matter of fact, right in your neighborhood. there's an event at my father's school. an anniversary. i thought maybe you could come. i'm going away after that, the next morning. pretty far. i'm told not to say anything about it on the phone, in case it's tapped. they think it's best, safer, if i go away, at least till venza's found. i don't know. garber's left orders here not to let you in the building. tomorrow night. can you come? listen, you're right. don't do it. i'll just. send you an address, okay? no really, it's okay, i've gotta go. i'm expecting some calls. i'll be fine, really. it was something my father always liked me to do. not if you don't want me to. just putting in an appearance then. what a memory. do you? let's do it. yeah. i know. i know. don't explain. long enough. "to". forget about you. i'll have to pack a lot of clothes. mike. go with him! mike! don't go there! then make them come with you! they're assigned to me, they'll have to go if i come with you! i'm not getting out! go! mike? everyone's all right? so. i don't know. i think it's probably still a good idea. i'll miss you, mike. say goodbye. you have a weakness for lady cops. say goodbye, mike.