ellie! c'mon! over here! hey, don't ask me. ask the man who put in the good word. if t.j. didn't push for me, i never would've made it. appreciate, that vote of confidence, brook. i bet you think she doesn't have a brain in her head. i bet you think the only thing he sees in her is one incredible, dynamite body. think i should put the skateboard in bed with him? ellie, you know i think it's about time we got outa this place, get us a house of our own. we can afford it now. take my advice, don't buy any. what? your what? what are you talking about? get in bed. you got a great ass! i love your ass -- now get that falling ass into bed before it hits the floor. you got no idea. t.j? is this a joke? are you kidding me? give me 20 minutes. right behind you, t.j. who's joey venza? a detective's supposed to identify himself. no, sir. that would be lieutenant garber, and he's very busy upstairs. is she injured? she's not a suspect, sir, she's a witness. could i ask you to step outside, please. sir, i am just trying to do my job, it's standard procedure to question the witness alone. help me out here, could you please leave. can i get you a cup of coffee or something? it's okay. i've never been a detective before either. we'll go slow. okay? we'll get through it together. i just sat and listened. i don't understand. if there's any danger, why not just level with her. chief? why not patrol? they'd do just as good a job. shit! a nursemaid! my first detail, and i'm a fuckin' slug! i got a 'choice' at all. you in this with me? tommy! goddamnit! get these skateboards off the goddamn kitchen floor! my special, scrambled eggs surprise. not great. i've got a babysitting job for a material witness on a homicide. 'til they pick up the perp. seniority gets day shift. you know what that means. maybe you and tommy should stay with my mom. don't start. the only reason is that the neighborhood's shi. . crummy. i just don't like the idea of leaving you alone here at night. just keep it someplace safe, but handy. how do you know where the gun is? except the goddamn skateboards, which are everywhere! i'd like to kill the guy who invented those things. lay back, mack!! what's this "lay back, mack?" where does he get this? just "lay back, mack". lay back. not koontz. what about when she goes out? pretty good. fuckin' a. sorry. just checking. hard to find doors in this place. i like 'em toasty. i'm relieved at 4:00 a.m. hey! what the hell're you doin' to my car? i think television's a dangerous thing. hey. the neighbors. well, actually, she looks better than that. i've got to go. see you tommy. okay? yeah, i think so. hi. uh. i think, maybe, that isn't such a great idea. right. that's true. i'm supposed to call in. oh. yes. i don't have it with me. it's at home. he thinks you're being a little careless. he made the point several times. queens. you know queens? nice. maybe you'll stop by. have an aperitif. maybe not. don't move it. no, ma'am. beg pardon? i got money. my wife likes this suit. i'm on duty. not too sure about that. hello. . ma'am. uh, yeah. i'm a policeman. yes. hard? would you excuse me, please? would you consider leaving here pretty soon? hey! there are crazy people here. ah. i shouldn't. on duty. i'll come with you. gimme a spritzer, and a. vodka martini. make it a double. take care of her! venza! but i got him! he's in jail! wasn't that the point?! it wasn't a bad bust. he gave himself up because he knew i was gonna nab him. even joey venza?! what about when she identifies him?! it was my fault, t.j. fuck! oh, some shit. you don't want to hear about it. i don't know that ellie. he might get out. garber's not bein' straight with the witness, she could be in deep shit if she identifies him, and it's my job to convince her she won't be. why? i think -- she's crazy. i might stop you. no! no! i'm sorry. ninety-seven five right? bought it. what did she say the down payment was? she didn't like the other one, so she picked this one. i had to follow her to a store. ellie, it was a formal party. i'm her bodyguard, goddamnit. she bought it. i don't know why she bought me a tie! -- she's a generous person -- and she's a nice person -- and i could be settin' her up to be killed. you want the fuckin' tie? i came on at 8:00. you all right? i'm sorry about what happened. i shouldn't have listened to you, i should've followed you right into the "can" the way he did. sooner, the better. big talk. desperate guy. it's the right thing to do. identifying him. claire? you wouldn't happen to know what language they speak in india, do you? yeah, what a woman. nope. never finished one yet. i hate these things. how did you know? they're kind of fuzzy. no kidding. could be, i guess. yeah, i like that! where you go, i follow. absolutely. look at this. no, no seriously! there's a study done on this, you walk this way, the muggers are gonna single you out. hey. this is my business. do i tell you your business. it was like. the minute i saw her. i knew. she looked so damn adorable in a cop's uniform. puttin' on a big, tough act. yeah. it was. yeah. no dog. no dog. very nice. what about neil? what's to like? you asked. you could do better. yeah. i liked being around you too. claire. let's go home. sleep good. few minutes. want to catch the news. i'll be right up. hey, not yet! how many times. ah! hey lieutenant, how are you? what?! venza's out. why didn't the i.d. unit or the d.a.'s office know about his sheet? ah shit. yeah, yeah, okay i'm on my way in. goddamn venza assaulted a taxi driver in the bronx, thirteen months ago. it's coming to court and the judge let him walk because of the pending case law. take it easy! i set her up. i saw it coming. it is my fault! i'm responsible for her! did you hear what i said?!! i'm due on at seven. claire? open the door, will you? it's just me. i want to talk to you. let me in. no, you'll be safe. we're gonna pick him up again. claire? what are you doing? claire, will you calm down? claire! stop, will you?! stop being nuts! i do care about you! easy. easy. i'm not gonna leave you alone like this. i'm not gonna let anything happen to you. i want you and tommy to stay with my mother. d'you have to say "fucking" every other word? you heard me. what're you talking about -- fuck. what's happening? yeah. she's okay. everything's okay. i don't know you. you don't wash your clothes at the boulevard laundromat. you don't pick up your kids from some crummy public school. what is this? a fuckin' joke? all fucked up, t.j. i'm sorry. what did you do tonight? what did you watch? well. this'll be over soon. venza's such a nut job, we're bound to pick him up soon. well, t.j.'s. seniority. and all. i'll talk to garber about it. you talked to his wife? my wife talks to his wife about what shift i'm gonna take? we'll be right back. let me drive. el? i'm sorry. i do love you. and you are a lady. i have so much respect. hey, t.j.? yeah, listen, i need a huge favor from you, man. i know helen doesn't like you to miss dinner, but i need you to switch shifts with me tonight. just "personal". i don't know what the hell i'm doin', i need some time to think. look, do it or don't do it, but spare me the fuckin' lecture, all right? i just gotta talk to her, t.j. t.j. agreed to take my shift. he knows about us. so does ellie. not exactly. i don't know. put it down! think about it! get on the floor! there may be more! t.j.! t.j! live, t.j. please! get security on the phone! emergency! ambulance! ambulance! he's got a heartbeat! they're operating on him. he's still alive. it should've been me. what about tommy? no. you don't want to know. i've moved into scotty's. good news about t.j., though. looks like that tough son of a gun is gonna pull through. are you okay? oh that thing in queens. where? when can i see you? oh yeah. when is it? this thing in queens. i don't know. it wouldn't be very smart. claire. i'll think about wednesday. tommy! how are things going, pal? how about dinner tonight? what "plans?" you and mom got "plans?" she's what? what! what kind of pathetic line is that? no, i'm not coming in. and if you'd rather go to a "singing lesson" than have dinner with your father. so, what are you doing tonight? shooting? tommy! the guy's a sleaze-bag. she can't sing. take care, pal. do you dance? pretty bad. they guys treatin' you all right? i've been doing a lot of thinking. it wouldn't work. i'd miss my life. how long you going away for? "for"? yeah. tommy? what? what?! hello? who is this? yeah. i'm listening. no. nobody but me. i heard you. i'll do it. just don't touch them. they got my family. i need you guys. venza. at my house! it's venza. he wants you. you, for ellie and tommy. koontz! i need you guys! no, i need'm now! no one-seventeen, they'll fuck it up! he told me not to tell anybody, to bring claire and come alone! he won't wait, he knows i'm two minutes away! koontz, please! they can't, they're assigned to you! i'd do the same thing! go! get outta here! get out! turn off the siren! we get there, you get down, stay out of sight. don't get near that house. understand me? venza's not to know you're there! tommy? ellie? i'm not armed! i'm the only one in here! i can help you get away if you listen to what i say! i'm comin' in the kitchen! if you fuckin' shoot me, they'll come in here, and we're all dead! you hear me, venza?! that's right, you're gonna do what i say. joey. i want to help you out of this. i brought the girl. she's outside. i'll prove it! claire! i'll bring her in. you let them go, and i'll bring her in. she trusts me. she'll do what i say. koontz! let her come in! claire! it's pitch dark in here! you're gonna have trouble seeing anything, so just come in, and straight down a long hall. then stand at the door so we can see you. we want to see your face and we won't be able to until you get to the kitchen door! i want your guarantee they'll be turned loose when she opens the front door. let my kid go. get that gun away from his head, or i'll keep her from coming in! put the gun on me, he can't hurt you! he's tied up! put him under the table! put him under the table or i'll stop her from coming in. i'll take his place, all right? put the gun to my head. claire! it's dark. watch your step. come slowly. watch your step! there's a skateboard in the door! turn around, fuck! ellie. yeah. it's all over. so. you still going away? you don't have to, now. yeah. listen, i'll. see you again. i like your coat. i do. you take care. what do you think? any chance? there's nothin' else i'm any good at, but this. good police work, kiddo. me neither. let's find some place to start over. what this crap about singing lessons?