this is the best turkey sandwich i ever had in my life. what kind of mustard is this? all right, don't get pissy. it's not dijon, right? hey. dave klein. how ya doin'? erica hands lexi the tylenol, she thanks her and exits. i'm gettin' outta your hair. so you're not ready to show me any pages? i'm not putting pressure on you, i'm just asking. so you have one good page. how tall do you think that girl was? before erica can respond, marin enters. i'm just on my way out, bubbee. i have to meet someone before i go. she never changes. bryn mawr girl. shall we order? erica, do i like duck? let's let her figure some things out on her own. okay, i forgot to mention she can't drink hard liquor. why did you order her a martini?