hang a nitro drip. based on what i see so far, your heart is not in distress but i'm gonna do a rapid enzyme test to be sure. what were you doing at the onset of the pain? are you kidding? love hurts, haven't you heard? all right, well you're battin' a thousand here. your enzymes look perfect, your ekg is normal and the pain doesn't sound like the kind of pain we worry about. i think what you experienced was normal chest pain associated with stress. and incase you haven't heard, that can give you a heart attack. mr. langer, i donlt know what you're up to gallivanting out and about at this hour, but if you were my dad, i'd make sure you were home, in bed, recuperating. mr. langer. back so soon. mr. langer, your diagnosis although fascinating, was entirely incorrect. your realize a severe anxiety attack can masquerade as a heart attack. if you don't want ,to end up in here every week, i suggest you do whatever it takes to decompress. try something with me, okay? close your eyes. now give yourself a visual image of something that gives you a feeling of peace and serenity. anybody there with you? okay. what else do you see, feel, taste. keep going. you're doing great. and as harry keeps listing things, camera moves in on him as the steel band gets louder and louder.