how we doing here? let's get an ekg. mr. langer, i'm dr. mercer. are you in any pain right now? the nurse wheels over an ekg machine, julian helps hook it up. can you show me where the pain is? harry clenches his fist over his sternum. what were you doing at the onset of the pain? where you having intercourse? we're gonna stop it. but i need to know what kind of medications you take? uh-huh. .any thing else? procardia? what about, viagra? erica, marin and zoe arrive in the doorway of the er. harry eyes them. stalls. mr. langer? did you take any viagra today? mr. langer? you're positive? great. just needed to be sure because i put nitroglycerin into your-drip and if you had taken viagra, the combo would make your heart leap right out of your body. let's give him an aspirin and metoprolol 5mg. it's okay. . it was a great save. let's start the thrombolytic protocol. "4000 units of heparin. mr. langer, if this works and i have every reason to believe it will, it's going to reverse what's going on so there will be little or no damage to your heart. you with me? okay, here we go. your dad's gonna be okay. i'm sorry. your grandad's gonna be okay. sorry. his sweet apologetic smile is not lost on marin. zoe and erica join them. i'm dr. mercer. mr. langer did have a mild heart attack. i gave him something to break up the clot in his artery and it worked beautifully. his ekg returned to normal almost immediately which means i don't expect any permanent damage. he's very lucky. no, whoever got him here so fast should be thanked. another half hour and i don't know if this would've worked. marin pats her mom on the back. we're out of the woods. i've given him something to sleep, it might make him a little loopy at first but then it should knock him out. you're mrs. langer? you're erica barry? the playwright? what a pleasure. i'm a huge fan. huge fan. wow. you're welcome. may i join you? first year of medical school you learn what can keep you up all night without making you nuts. green tea beats everything plus it's a great antioxidant. cheers. usually two or-three a week, gives me a chance for a real life during the day. . . you know, i heard you had a place in the hamptons. i really am a very big fan. i honestly think i've seen every play you've ever written. no, i'm pretty sure i've seen them all and i saw the last one twice. zoe nudges erica as a nurse enters from the er. i'll check on mi. langer. if he's asleep; you all might want to get some shut eye and come back in the morning. great to meet you erica. ladies. . . the women wave and watch him exit. the second he's gone: yes we are. hi, i'm dr. mercer. come on, i'll take you to him. julian exits the nurse's station. lowell, carrying the flowers, follows. he nods to two tall leggy mini skirted assistant types, kim and lexi who follow. both pack cell well that sounds like a pretty, interesting job. okay, harry, looks like we're going to have to let you go. harry sits up too fast, lies right back down. lowell looks like he might cry. the girls hold back. he's doing extremely well. absolutely. harry stands and indulges lowell in a deep hug. lowell's shoulders shake as he sobs. not formally. maybe not this much but. wow. this is. .jesus, this is the most gorgeous watch i've ever seen. no, i love it and this is incredibly generous of you but i can't accept it. no, i end up seeing you walk out of here and i do get paid you know - harry, i'll see you on the way out. harry, i'm sorry, but i think we jumped the gun. .can't let you travel quite yet. you don't have to but i can't put you in a car right now and i can't leave you in the parking lot. i'd like you to stay nearby for a few days and let me keep an eye on you 'til you get your strength back. you still getting dizzy? out of breath? how's erica treating you? erica. . . uptight? that's funny. i haven't noticed that. that doesn't sound so uptight. you know what freud said - there are no accidents. why would you think her bedroom was the kitchen? that could explain why she was walking around naked. deep breath. you're kidding? well, i think she's very beautiful and she's a fantastic writer, you know. erica barry? she's pretty major. so, you date her daughter? i think mr. midnight needs to stay put for another couple of weeks. it's exercise. it'll be good for you. and just so you know, i'm told after a heart attack, if you can climb a flight of stairs, you can have sex. i don't think so. it's been tough, huh? how are you holding up? one more fine and i won't believe you. the phone rings. like he said, he doesn't need a nurse. we begin to hear strains of another french song. hey, look who's answering the door. brought you something. a heart healthy dinner from our cafeteria. you look beautiful. let me just see how harry's doing. it'll take two seconds. har, have a seat. . your pulse is a little fast but maybe you're just excited about something. harry looks at erica's legs again. there it goes again. racing. oh, there we go, now i feel better. back to normal. harry winces then rises, looks to erica as she throws a pashmina over her shoulders in slow motion. harry rushes them you know, they say doctors fall for people who need rescuing, that we have a need to take care of someone. -- thirty-three. you look fabulous. honestly? no. this may surprise you but some women consider me quite the guy. i've never been married. i'm a doctor. you wouldn't believe what catnip that is for some women. i do very much. but i've never met one i've taken to quite like this and when something happens to you that's never happened to you before, don't you have to at least find out what it is? oh, come on, you must beat them away with a stick. men your age may be really stupid, you ever think of that? there's something radically wrong with the idea that no one loves you. ow. right to the middle of her shoulder, then her neck. julian kisses her palm, then her. i knew you'd smell good. how much is soap that smells like this? erica, you're incredibly sexy. can you meet me at the grill at eight? i look forward to, seeing you too. erica smiles to herself. okay, buddy, i'm sending you home. these past few days have done wonders for you. way to go. how's erica? i know you must know her name by now. yeah, well that's wonderful. i think she's wonderful. a real moment between them. julian decides to take the high road. give her my best. you're gonna be okay. it's very common to become emotional after having an episode like you've had. everything takes on a new meaning. like crying? i think you can expect just about anything right now. people have done some wild things after having a heart attack. selling businesses, getting divorced, moving. some people say it saved their lives. guess i got stood up. why not, i put. on the tie and everything. and can you bring me another. . . julian takes a look at the menu, then looks away. these are for you to give me when you apologize. a note? that's a little chilly. just tell me you're sorry. then you could kiss me. think so. erica hesitates then gives him a peck of a kiss. no one on earth would forgive you for that kiss may i? erica nods as julian takes her in his arms and gives her a kiss that doesn't quit. i forgive you. erica very distinctly begins to hear the beating of her own heart. it's the best thing you've ever written. it's wonderful. it's sweet. it's smart. it's funny. erica leans oyer the sofa, reading over his shoulder. how great is it that i'm not intimidated by your brilliance? erica gives him a small kiss of appreciation. must we go through this every time? come here. she leans into him and he kisses her fully and sweetly. she holds onto the sofa for support. what story? it's amazing to run into you. you look wonderful. well, i've just been to every store in the city, this woman is impossible to buy for. but i think i finally found the right gift. he puts what can only be a ring box on the table between erica and harry. happy birthday baby. he kisses her. harry watches, dying. why? you have somewhere to go? -- to the forces of destiny that brought us together tonight. what are you doing, you don't smoke? she's very brilliant, but the woman can not hold her liquor. julian puts his arm around her, pulls her close. no, harry, please, let us.