hold on. hold on. let's not get so dramatic here. what are we four teenagers? we're all sophisticated people. why can't we all stay, for the weekend? your mother's got work to do i've got papers to grade. you'll do your thing, whatever that is and if we want to hang together, we'll hang together. if we don't, we don't. there's no reason why any of us should give up this spectacular weekend. i can totally handle it. i mean a father substitute. marin was how old when you guys broke up? okay, so she was old enough not to feel dave was walking out on her. easy cowgirl. i didn't mean it that way. just trying to figure out why such a smart girl is always with the wrong guy. yeah, right. wait a second, aren't you like a famous bachelor? no, i think i read a piece on you in new york magazine. yeah, wasn't the name of the article, "the escape artist"? yeah, it was somebody cool like that. not martha stewart. right. diane sawyer. i love her. so when was this engagement? no, wait. this is actually a very fascinating dynamic - what's going on at this table. no, come on, listen, here's the rub for women. look at what we have here with you and erica. harry, you've been around the block a few times, right? you're what? around 60, never been married, which, we all know, if you were a woman, would be a curse, you'd be an old maid, a spinster, blah, blah, blah. okay, so instead of pitying you, they write articles about you, celebrate your never marrying, it makes you illusive and ungettable. you're a real catch. then, take my gorgeous sister here. come on, this is interesting. i mean, look at her, she's so accomplished, the most successful woman playwright since who? lillian hellman? she's over fifty, divorced and still sits in night after night because the available guys her age want it just seemed so obvious to me. the injustice of it. thank god men die younger than us. it's the only break we get. i'm sorry, i thought i was onto something. no chance he said we were nice. what are they listening to? he does sound fun. marin yelps. admit it, he's got something. you felt it, right? then they hear marin scream. what are you doing? all i can say is, thank god it didn't happen when he was inside you. that could be life altering. julian rounds the corner of the corridor. marin rushes toward him, her face begging for good news. thank you doctor. this is all beginning to feel a little like the step sisters trying on the glass slipper. until we get to erica, not paying any attention at all as she is handed her tea. or more interested in you. who cares how old, he is. i mean, he's not my type, he's like a gorgeous wholesome doctor but, he's perfect for you and hot for you, which makes him really perfect. yeah, but just admit that was one great ass for a guy that age. i got you something great at the farm stand.