look, eric it's your little friends. that's when the fist is inserted into the anus or vagina for sexual pleasure. what? you bastards. and my boy was the sweetest boy the world had ever known! until those damn canadians brought that filth into our home! i agree that there is now a battle to be won! we can't just stand here singing! something must be done! oh, he said rim job. it's when someone licks your ass for- eric! don't talk to ms. brovlofski that way! go ahead, it's alright, eric. goodnight, honey. i don't know honey. soon we hope. you want it to end quickly, huh? oh. yes, hon? sure, hon. goodnight. eric?! eric, what is it?! oh you poor dear. you've been through so much. eric? yes, i think shooting our children would adversely affect their futures.