mom! somebody's at the door! what the hell are you guys doing here? ooh! maybe there'll be pirates! or a whole city burnin'! maybe we'll see a monster or, better yet, uma thurman! the hell we can't! my money is just as good as any white person's! listen you son of a bitch, if you don't let us in to see this movie i'm gonna kick you square in the nuts. aw, screw it. it probably isn't all that good anyway. yeah, but the animation's all crappy - it probably can't sustain itself over ninety minutes. how come terrance and phillip are so weird looking? oh. wow. ball whore. you bet your fucking ass it was! suck my balls. hey! stop crowding us you shitfaced cockmasters! hey stan, tell 'em about when terrance called phillip a testicle shitting rectal wart! stan? stan? yes, i saw the terrance and phillip movie. who wants to touch me? i said, "who wants to touch me?!" i hate the environment. 'cuz, dude, it's all sticky and airy and fragile and stuff. i fucking hate it. fragile? why the fuck not? that's bullshit! if terrance and phillip can say something, i should be able to say it too! fuckin' a right. how would you like to gargle rat jiz? i said - how would you like to gargle rat jiz?! principal victoria, can i ask a question? what's the big fucking deal? it was the terrance and phllip movie! what? fuck you guys, i wanna get out of here. everybody's already fucking seen it. i'm sorry! i can't help it!! that movie has warped my fragile little mind. yeah, but you know what? that whole part about lighting farts is bullshit. you can't do that. no way. oh shit. no you can't kenny! okay kenny, i'll bet you a hundred dollars you can't light a fart on fire! wow, i guess you can do that! i bet him he couldn't do it. i bet him a hundred dollars! no, i know. i'm just fucking stoked i don't have to pay him! yeah, i'm having total deja vu right now. like this has all happened before. well, terrance and phillip are on conan o'brian tonight, we could at least go watch that. this could mean. no more terrance and phillip - ever! what the hell do you mean i can't get cheesy poofs?! you can't do this!! have you ever had cheesy poofs? they're a taste sensation with a delightful cheddar crunch. fuck cheese-os and fuck you! come on, you guys. we have to think! about cheesy poofs, dumbass! this whole thing has gone too far! yeah! and what rim job expert went and outlawed cheesy poofs!? lick someone's ass?! why? so you can fuck up our life some more? but mom! i'm not fucking addicted to fucking bad language! i don't have a fucking problem! ugh. you guys, seriously. i'm having cheesy poof withdrawal. you've got a stupid accent too. what? fuck french people. fuck 'em in the ear. god damn it your mom is a bitch, kyle. what the hell was that?! oh man, i'm gonna need a cherry pie to get the taste of ass out of my mouth from that piece of shit movie. you get me cheesy poofs with the delightful cheddar crunch, and i'll watch my fucking mouth! help yourself prickfuck! ha, ha, you stupid asshole prickfuck. that'd be sweet! we could try to bring back cheesy poofs! thank god, that sucked ass. the n word? oh yeah. i don't graduate?! what the fuck is this?! this is bullshit?! how the fuck can you not graduate me?! does that mean i have to stay here?! my head hurts. doggy. montana. pillow. horsefuck- agaahgahgah!!!!! ow!! that hurt god dammi- ow!! you can't do this to me!! this isn't fair!!! you sons a bitche-- very funny dickhead- ow! fuck- ay! what? oh yeah?! well you're a monkey-shit- i know. always saying, do this, do that. they think they're so cooool. acht lieben kraft auct shpiler! but you guys. it's salisbury steak. is that like finding jesus or something? holy crap- ow!! hey crap isn't a swear word, what the fuck?! amen to that. they're burning all the canadian stuff cause of the war. nnoooo!!!! what are you doing?! oh, why god, why?! this is all cause of your mom, kyle. she's such a bitch- agh!! i mean - she's such a. meanie. -no cheesy poofs. and my mom has become so bu-sy that she's raising heck and ignoring me i agree that there is now a battle to be won! something must be done! very funny! oh, son of a bitch! aaghgh!! i mean, son of a biscuit! come on, just get to the message board! tell 'em we'll have pie and punch. more people will come if they think there'll be pie and punch! mom. when is the war gonna be over? oh, i don't care, i was just asking cuz all my favorite tv shows have been replaced by news and it's pissing me off. mom. if you went down on a horse. you'd tell me, right? go away, scary noise. i saw him!! i saw kenny!! i bet him he couldn't set himself on fire and now he's all pissed off!! agh! i can't say pissed off?! agh!! i had to ride my bike here. my behind is killing me. i have to say 'behind'! i get shocked if i say 'ass- no you guys. something happened. you guys wanna hear something creepy? i don't think kenny is dead. i saw him last night! you do?! hey! i'm telling you this was kenny! i think he's haunting me. fuck that! ow! motherfucker! mphmph mphmphmph!!! mmmppphhh!!! dude, this is seriously lame. i didn't know we were gonna get all dirty and stuff. okay. i heard you the first time! i'm not lou ferigno for pete's sake! shut of ze power, cartman. zis is very important, cartman. stupid british piece of shi- ow! agh!!! son of a gun! heck! go away, kenny! it's not my gosh darn fault! i don't have proofs of purchases from snacky smores, kenny! agagah!! you guys! seriously! you guys! kenny! i saw kenny again! whoops. yeah. that was my bad, sorry. oh, son of a bitch. dude! terrance and phillip! wow! can i get your autographs?! wagagahghgh!! you guys!!! seriously!!! holy shit! aghaghgah!! hey! this v-chip is getting all screwy!! kyle. all those times i said you were a big dumb jew. i didn't mean it. you're not a jew. agh! what the hell am i still holding this for?! oh, that's swell, stan. i guess all's well that ends well, huh? we can go home now. there's just one little thing left to tie up. world war three!!! it's him! i told you!! kenny's come to take us to the netherworld! okay! we can get you some proofs of purchases for snacky smores kenny! just mellow the heck out! ay! don't call me fat, buttfucker- how the fuck should i know!! buttfucking shit! yes! fuck a hunk a shit, you rat fuck!!! try this on for size- okay. not. well, i learned it all from you guys. yeah! you're all a bunch of stupid sons a bitches!