hello there, children!! how would like some salisbury steak with buttered noodles? a hunger strike? for what? ha! is the pope catholic? children, i know all there is to know about women. oh that's easy, you just gotta find the clitoris. oops, i guess you haven't got that far in your anatomy class, huh? uh. nothing. forget i said anything. now move along, children! you're holding up the line! something big, children. oh, no. it's. it's not good children. isn't that your mother, kyle? damn, your mom's a bitch, kyle. hey, wait a minute. have you ever heard of the emancipation proclamation? baby your thighs sparkle like diamonds baby your butt is tender like the night i can see by the look in your pants that you want to treat me right. i'll whisper sweet nothings in your cleavage and you can kiss me gently with your tongue and i'll make love to you so deeply that you'll feel pressure clear up to your lungs. alright, squad. just like i told you. one!! two! three!! operation human shield my ass! oh, good job, mrs. broflofski, thanks a lot. it's that v-chip thing that's inside you, eric! the polarity must have been reversed by the electric chair! saddam hussein is dead! here you go satan- kenny, you realize this wish is the only chance for you not to be dead.