thank you, parents. the machinery of the new 'v-chip' is very simple, and similar to that of the v- chip. the chip is placed just under the subject's skin, where it emits a small but painful shock of electricity whenever an obscenity is uttered. it's just like a lie detector. certain things happen in you when you swear just like when you lie, the chip picks up on this and gives the subject a shock. we are very excited to see the results of this test. patient 453, would you step out here, please? patient 453 here has been fitted with the new v-chip. don't worry about that. now, i want you to say 'doggy.' notice that nothing happens. now say 'montana.' good. now 'pillow'. alright, now i want you to say 'horsefucker.' success!! our device works perfectly! we will begin mass production immediately!